browser problems

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NW Oklahoma, USA
# of dives
I just don't log dives
OK, today I am having tons of issues with IE and scubaboard. Not happening with any other websites, just this one. I am having IE randomly throw up error notices and shut down. Always happens when loading a new page or trying to pageback.

Anyone else having this issue?

OK, today I am having tons of issues with IE and scubaboard. Not happening with any other websites, just this one. I am having IE randomly throw up error notices and shut down. Always happens when loading a new page or trying to pageback.

Anyone else having this issue?

YES!!! I am as well.
I'm posting this with Firefox because I'm having the same issue IE version 6.0.2800.1106IS.

I'm running Win2K and just installed microsoft's latest security updates (was having no isuues prior to these updates). But Scubaboard is the ONLY site where I'm having the problem.

Unless others have a second browser on their machine, you'll never hear from them because because I found it impossible to post using IE once the problem cropped up.
I've been having the same problem. It only started a day or two ago right after my system downloaded and installed the latest updates for Windows 2000 and IE6. Only happens on Scubaboard. Every 5 minutes os I get the error message and IE restarts. MS probably fixed something that hsa now broken something Scubababoard uses. Thanks MS.
I'm posting from another machine I have running WinXP Pro and it seems okay so I'm guessing this is only on Win2K machines using IE 6 with the latest updates. Either way it's a ScubaBoard issue to me since every other site I'm on that uses VBulletin is still okay.
I am having tons of issues with IE
I am having IE randomly throw up error notices and shut down.

I'm posting this with Firefox because I'm having the same issue IE version 6.0.2800.1106IS
I found it impossible to post using IE once the problem cropped up.

Every 5 minutes I get the error message and IE restarts.

I'm guessing this is only on Win2K machines using IE 6 with the latest updates.

All signs point to dumping IE and getting Firefox. Oh...and a Mac. :D
All signs point to dumping IE and getting Firefox. Oh...and a Mac. :D

You're being silly :confused:
IE is THE standard. I'm NOT saying it's the best but I am saying it's THE standard. Try running web based Oracle or SAP applications on Firefox.... If I can't do business with it, it won't be my choice.
That being said, I do greatly enjoy tabbed browsing Firefox has but Yahoo toolbar adds that functionality to IE.
And since eveyone that's been specific has reported they were running Win2K, I think it's a Windoze problem :shakehead
A Mac? Please, be serious :11:

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