I took a ride to the Portland Quarry in Portland, CT to day. There was a construction crew hard at work building a drainage system to minimize water entering the quarry from road runoff. It appears the 25 yr plan is going well. A couple of power boats were added to the inventory of items to discover on the bottom. A new picnic area (see pic) has been built along with a new entry to the other half of the quarry (see pic). The campground is being worked on also (no pic). There are duck nest floating about to enhance the wild life. Plans are for a live cam to be installed with a data relay to one of the states fish education centers. The park will open at the end of May. Long term ideas include possible grants to acquire military vehicles to put in the quarry. The quarry keeps getting nicer on a weekly basis. The hard work put into the quarry is definitly showing and has made an historic milestone in its beauty as its never looked better. Also note the last pic showing the new giant stride entry (Bull Point eat ya heart out).