Well, I've never seen a nudi like that anywhere in Monterey. However, at second glance, maybe I'm just not looking close enough, as I realize that seems to be a starfish it's snuggled up to (at first I was thinking it was a field of strawberry anenomies). It must have been tiny! - not visible to me unless I get some reading lenses in my mask.
Very astute observation, I should have mentioned that. Yes it is a starfish, one of the reasons I kind of like the shot, it's half nudi, half macro starfish shot. As for size, it wasn't the smallest I've ever seen, probably about 3/4-1" definitely something one would see if they sat staring at a rock area for a bit, I have trouble doing that though. I'm trying to learn to stop and look because that's when I see everything as opposed gliding over the area.