Breaking news from the whale wars

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I suspect, that despite this long thread on here and probably several other places, these events have done nothing to further either sides cause. In an informal and very unscientific test, I asked 5 people at work of what they thought about the events. 2 had never heard of it and had no opinion or interest, feeling it was about as news worthy as a car crash in another state. 2 stated they had not heard of it but after telling them the news they both stated that ‘Oh yea, I remember that now’ but really had no other opinion. The 5th did recall the story on CNN but nothing more than ‘2 ships collide on the open ocean.’
I do hope there is an investigation and that the rule of law is followed. Clearly Watson has broken a few laws and perhaps the whalers-maybe they can move Whale wars to CourtTV
I suspect, that despite this long thread on here and probably several other places, these events have done nothing to further either sides cause. In an informal and very unscientific test, I asked 5 people at work of what they thought about the events. 2 had never heard of it and had no opinion or interest, feeling it was about as news worthy as a car crash in another state. 2 stated they had not heard of it but after telling them the news they both stated that ‘Oh yea, I remember that now’ but really had no other opinion. The 5th did recall the story on CNN but nothing more than ‘2 ships collide on the open ocean.’
I do hope there is an investigation and that the rule of law is followed. Clearly Watson has broken a few laws and perhaps the whalers-maybe they can move Whale wars to CourtTV

Judge Judy on Whale Wars-TV doesn't get any better than that:D I can see her shaking her finger at the Capt of the Ady Gil and telling Watson the be quiet
Scrambled eggs... That's what I had for breakfast. We can talk about this further, but that's not the topic.

To clarify, we are not talking about what actions the SS crew had taken that morning, the day before, or last year. Nor are we discussing their views on wildlife, politics, or their sexual preference. What we are discussing (unless I'm in some way mistaken), is the collision at sea between the SS Bat-boat and the Japanese Whaler. Where each vessel was, who was the overtaking vessel and the law.

We're not talking about what the crew were holding in their hands, what they may or may not have done or could have done, but what was in-fact was done surrounding the collision between the vessels. A time-frame of a couple of minutes and the intent of the Vessel Masters.

I'm happy to criticize the actions taken by SS during different points in-time. I too do not condone these actions in the manner they were accomplished. That however id a different discussion. Why does this have to be clarified?
Have you ever heard of cause and effect?
You may want to look it up..
Have you ever heard of cause and effect?
You may want to look it up..

Yes I have. Many people do things out of personal vengeance, spite and malice. Others just lose their tempers and hurt others. If you look it up, you'll see that this isn't an excuse; trying to kill others is a criminal act. The explanation that I tried to kill them because they ticked me off! just doesn't cut it.
Let us just examine the bolded parts above, in order:

Yes please...let's

When have the Sea Shepherds tried to sink a Japanese Whaler?

One mistake I often make on boards like these is I try to inject COMMON SENSE into the conversation (hard to believe I know :D). Shame on me because I see regularily that it has no place here. I personally view many of the SS' actions as aiming for the worst irrespective of what anybody says. To thrown heavy line out to cripple a ship in heavy seas is willing to sacrafice it to more than just the "geesh our prop is broken" gods. Similararily if someone shoots my tire out at full speed in hopes to get me to stop.....they are willing to have me wipe out and flip.

Did the Sea Shepherds try to hurt Japanese Whaler crew members, or did they try to cover the Whaling vessel with rancid butter? If the AG is guilty of not getting out of the way are not those Whaler crew similarly guilty?

Read my posts please. I will wait and hopefully everybody else will as well. I have never said that the whaler was free of guilt. In fact I have said, more often than not that I am not aiming to apply guilt, but rather STUPIDITY. You keep arguing guilt. It is fun though so thanks :D.

How exactly did the Ady Gil put itself in front of the Whaler vessel in this instance, an instance where the Whaler vessel made a series of course changes to facilitate an attack run on an at idle vessel?

Clearly you need to watch a video or two. Clean your glasses if needed first. The AG clearly.....very clearly throttled up just in time to have it's nose chopped off.

I am not arguing the next point because I am not a "captain" (as the AG "captain" isn't either) but had they not throttled up, I emplore anybody out there to prove that it is not possible that the two ships would not have just bumped and scraped and scratched but both boats/ships could have carried on for another day. I personally think since only the tip of the AG was taken, it is possible that the AG might have ended up being shoved out of the way by the whaler rather than chopped apart. Again, that is a possible point of discussion and not something I am going to argue.....I see it as a possibility though.

When have the Sea Shepherds used deadly force against the Japanese Whalers?

Where have I ever said that they did? You misunderstood what I said again. I was agreeing with DCBC that deadly force is never called for but saying that the SS has a history of putting themselves right in front of a fast moving boat and then moving.

While I can not argue that the Ady Gil crew were caught with their pants down, taking into consideration the maritime rules and the nature of maneuvering the Ady Gil, is it not likely that the crew was just following procedure to let the Whalers use the acoustic weapon and the water cannons on them?

Yes, it is in fact possible that the crew of the AG were simply following orders. And, if that is the case, then I believe they would be perfect commandos for any army because they are capable of following orders to a point which carries way beyond stupidity. Most humans are programmed with the desire to live. It is human instinct in MOST human beings to make every effort to get themselves out of harms way in an effort to "live". The Stupidity gene (or the gene which causes them to blindly follow orders) obviously won that battle.

If the Japanese Whalers wanted to keep the high ground in this skirmish, why did their Captain commit numerous illegal acts in this obvious ramming and serious endangerment of lives of the Ady Gil and crew?

I am not saying I would try to use deadly force but if the SS subjected me to the bull**** that they subject those whalers to, there is no hope in hell that I would be trying to take the high ground.
I was agreeing with DCBC that deadly force is never called for but saying that the SS has a history of putting themselves right in front of a fast moving boat and then moving.

We agree. Because SS did not move out of the way, makes them foolish. It doesn't however, relieve the Whaler Skipper of his legal responsibility, nor does it allow him to commit a criminal act.

I am not saying I would try to use deadly force but if the SS subjected me to the bull**** that they subject those whalers to, there is no hope in hell that I would be trying to take the high ground.

Glad to hear you have the common sense not to use deadly force. I agree it would have been extremely enticing to do what the Whaler Skipper did (like when I punched the guy in the head on my earlier post), but I was wrong to do so and so was the Skipper. You just can't use physical force because you're ticked-off and not expect to pay the penalty. Lesson learned. :)
I'm dead against whaling, but SS needs to be arrested and ships confiscated. The whaler did not ram the ady gil. To put it another way if the same eco terrorist were chasing down suv's in the street it would be like having a ferrari scream past a hummer then handbrake turn in front of it. And actually, if they manage to stop whaling who will they terrorize next? They won't just all go home.
I'm dead against whaling, but SS needs to be arrested and ships confiscated. The whaler did not ram the ady gil. To put it another way if the same eco terrorist were chasing down suv's in the street it would be like having a ferrari scream past a hummer then handbrake turn in front of it. And actually, if they manage to stop whaling who will they terrorize next? They won't just all go home.

Watson was a tree spiker before he was an anti-whaler. He'll find another cause.
Watson was a tree spiker before he was an anti-whaler. He'll find another cause.

Maybe he can start protesting divers and all the harm they do to the reefs. OK-that was obviously a joke but I wonder how folks on here would feel if this guy was using the same methods to go after charters and live aboards. Maybe putting his ship in the way of others trying to recover divers or fouling the props as they leave the bay.

If that was the case, would you demand that he be arrested?
Maybe he can start protesting divers and all the harm they do to the reefs. OK-that was obviously a joke but I wonder how folks on here would feel if this guy was using the same methods to go after charters and live aboards. Maybe putting his ship in the way of others trying to recover divers or fouling the props as they leave the bay.

If that was the case, would you demand that he be arrested?

Definitely! I'm afraid that there are people on SB that would feel justified in just going over to the vessel, pull out a shotgun and start blowing them away!

That's what they deserved isn't it? They deserve to die. The nerve of them to disturb our diving plans; we wanted to make a day of it! That will teach them!

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