Moving from a 3 mil with a couple of hundred hours of underwater time that is a few years old to a new wetsuit of the same type will make you more buoyant, but not so much as you think. The difference will be a pound or two. You will notice greater positive buoyancy the most on the first dive, so here's a couple of things you can do, if you don't already; 1) when at the surface before descent, pull the neck out a little to be sure all air is venting from the suit. 2) with your upper legs at a right angle to your torso ( a position like sitting on a chair) move your knees apart and together a few times- also to vent air that may be trapped ( and also to get some water circulating in the crotch area if you do think that peeing in the suit is part of the "christening process." 3) unless the heat (or cold)is unbearable, leave the wet suit on and in place between dives on the first outing. Congrats on getting your own wetsuit. You will find that diving with quality gear that is your, and the same every dive will make diving more enjoyable.