Well it works, sort of kind of. We were out looking for Acanthadoris (a Nudibranch that will sit still, mostly) and came across this A. rhodocerus. Here he is sitting on a piece of dichroic glass at about 60 ft. Shot this with Oly EM-1 MII in a Nauticam. I set this up with a XIT tripod and tried to get 10 shots at 2 second intervals. The beastie moved at around shot 8 so the OLY software wouldn't get a good fit, but the first 7 shots worked OK so I put them into Helicon Focus and this is what popped out. Not too bad, but clearly I need strobes that can recycle faster. Next time we are out (maybe Friday) I will try to shoot with the Nauticam trigger and bigger strobes (this was with a pair of Backscatter minis)