BP/WINGS with OW students????

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Wichita Falls, Tx
Hello everybody!! I am almost finished with my divemaster cert. and will be helping with classes almost every weekend this summer, however I dive with a Zeagle Ranger right now but I want to switch over to a backplate and wings pretty soon and I was wondering if it was acceptable to help with classes (PADI) when teaching skill while wearing a BP/Wings since I am also going to rig it with the long hose set up ad bungeed backup. Does it just depend on the insructor or does it matter. I figure in the worst case situation I could wear my Ranger while helping with classes although I don't really want to have to do that. Thanks!!
I used mine in a dive master class. Even beginner students see the advantages and simplicity of the BP/ wing setup. They especially liked using my long hose for air sharing. I don't talk much about my stuff because the dive shop doing the instruction through the college doesn't sell any of it. I just shrug my shoulders or nod my head :).

Which equipment you are "allowed" to use can depend on the shop and instructor.

Here in Dallas, there are several shops who ask that their DM's and Instructors use the product lines that they carry.

I would have a talk with the instructor and shop you plan on DM-ing for. If you can use the BP/Wings, go for it.
I wear a rental BC from the shop I teach through, and require my DM to do the same. It's a better business practice to keep students pointed towards a shop. I dive a BP/Wings and doubles setup when I'm not doing OW classes.
The reason for requiring the DM to not wear BP wings is simple. I try to instill basic open water skills to my students, not confuse them with gear issues.
Teach them with all wearing the same gear, as excessive as it may be. In future classes, show them a better way.
It may seem odd, but for a bunch of people learning to clear a mask, something like a metal plate and long hose is confusing. Best to keep everyone in similar gear and avoid confusion.

In a perfect world, everyone would start with a plate and wings, but we have to work with the system, or you get no OW students.
I actually called PADI on this about 2 months ago. Yes , not only is a wing /bp ok for you but also for the students ! If you are instructing it is just advisable to show the students different types of bc's and how they work in case they wind up at some resort compleating their ow referal and have not been exposed to a "traditional" BC.

Hmmm... some interesting posts here.
Standardization is nowhere more important than in open water classes. Instructors and assistants must wear the same configurations that the students wear - different brands and such are acceptable, but the basic configurations must be uniform. The shop's existing rental equipment often dictates this configuration.
I am surprised to see some who are such vocal advocates of standardization elsewhere throw it out the window for open water students!
Sorry one more comment. It was intended that EVERYONE use the same configuration in the class.

It is just not possible to do a demo with with equipment entirely different from the students and meet standards.

The only exception is at the checkout dive where the instructor can use "personal preferance".

Do not mix and match wing and backplate with conventional bc's.

BTW, a Zeagle Ranger is a conventional BC.

I was asked to use my own stuff, and the instructor never offered me any rental stuff to use. Apparently, they don't see it as being much of a priority. I'm sure as heck not going to go out and buy a thousand dollars in gear just for a class, and then take a hit on it when I put it on Ebay a couple months later.
Keep in mind, that I have NO desire to be a dive master for OW students or any recreational classes. I'm getting the cert. because Ive been asked to divemaster for a tech charter up here. Maybe if I wanted to make a career of OW assisting/teaching, then I would conform to whatever the instructor wanted. I doubt it though, I just don't like jacket style BC's or AIR II's. If I were to open my own shop and do the instructor thing, then I would start students out diving the way I do.

Just curious. On your last post you made mention of starting students to dive"the way I do". What would the be ?

The guy I teach with has no preferance for what gear Iuse to teach the class with (brand preferance) as he will sell you whatever you want.

Please note. The city I am in is very small (200,000)and I am only one of maybe 12 instructors in the whole province. !!


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