BP/W phenomenon

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For what it's worth, I just spent a week in Roatan. I made 20 dives on my BP/W.

Everyone else had a jacket that I saw, and to me they all seemed to fit very sloppy. My plate fits nice and tight, and that's one of the big reasons I got it.
When I was in Roatan a couple months back, there were five backplates on the boat ... out of a total of 14 divers.

Cheng and I accounted for two ... the other three belonged to some folks from Chicago ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I really dont remember why I even went to the BP/W. I do know it was because of some members here...a search would probably reveal why, but I was happy with my Jacket style BC at the time.....I guess I wanted to see what the fuss was about.

If not for this board, I would have no idea what the heck its all about nor many other variations of diving out there.

I do know that alot of the diehard recreational divers, including instructors, see a BP/W as technical gear and this creates confusion. I know when I showed up at the dive site with my BP/W my instructor basically said...what the heck are u doing with that....you planning on going technical?
and I'd guess many more know plenty about the net but this simply isn't how they choose to spend their time.

That too. :D
Your answers share the same bias as many of the LDS when it comes to this topic. A bp/w is nothing more than a BCD. It has very little to do with making someone a "tech" diver. What need would "vacation" diver have with a bp/w? Start with fit, streamlining, trim and ease of transport. Oh ya, if a diver does decide to go beyond vacation diving, a bp/w will allow them to configure accordingly.

Stop debating it. As a diver, you just need to decide if you want to try one.

Boy, you sure got defensive. It was my own opinion, sorry, I can't change that.

If you had read my original post quite thoroughly, I did mention the situation where a BP/W might be useful if you couldn't find a regular BCD that fit you correctly.

Streamlining? My Genesis Cobra is streamlined enough and packs away rather nicely for transport on the plane or to a local dive site. It also fits quite well.

With regards to 'upgrading' down the road if they decide to get into more technical diving, most divers don't know when they buy their first gear, and only a small minority of them get into technical diving where they need the added benefits of a BP/W.

You're quite right, there's nothing to debate, in the end, it all comes down to personal preference.
Nothing odd about that at all. Rodales reviews are thinly disguised "infomercials". Most of the manufacturers write their own product-reviews and the amount paid for the spot has a big influence on the outcome. Halcyon didn't anti-up so they simply don't play in Rodale's world (in any event, I suspect the people at Halcyon would be mortified to be reviewed in Rodales).
I don't know if that's true of ScubaLab or not. Zeagle has always done well with their reviews and never advertises in Scuba Mag (which btw is no longer owned by Rodale).

IIRC, the BP/W review asked manufacturers for recreational BP/W's, maybe that's why H didn't respond? I know some of what was reviewed isn't in fact a BP/W. I do know that H runs their "Why We Dive" advertisements in magazines like PADI's SportDiver, so its not like they are somehow above getting their message out to the average recreational diver.
Don't get me wrong!

Don’t analyze the market based on your inner circle dive group.

What is your level of dive?
Who is your dive buddies? and
Where do you dive often?

Your skill is more than any other DMs or instructors and you only dive with the advanced divers who have almost the same skills at the dive sites where most advanced divers get together. And then, you said, BP/W is a growing tread in the rec. market?

In addition, you guys always applaud a certain BP/W company (no matter what it is). And then, you said, “I don’t force anyone to get into BP/W world” LOL~~

Look at your dive logs and posts in this board. Do you think you are an ordinary rec. diver? You guys are nut and real mania in this sport.

What is the market share for a tech oriented diver? 1%, 5%, or 10%

Please look at a whole market, not only your surroundings. Otherwise, you aren't a different with a hick in Mid-West. :)

Ahhh.... well said. :thumbs-up
Boy, you sure got defensive.

Someone getting defensive on a message board? Does that happen? :wink:

But for me, I went BP/W to get rid of all the extra padding and to distribute 8 lbs of weight on my back, which was "floaty." Made a big difference with working my weight belt, too.

Am I a tech diver? Nope. I don't care what anyone I dive with is using, either. BP/W, BI, stab jacket, split fins, force fins (I actually haven't dove with anyone with those yet), it doesn't matter to me.
I expect you will NEVER see a diver in a backplate and wing setup do this, why? Because you have to evolve WAY above OW to get into the areas that push these setups, OW divers use standard BC's and such because thats what those circles push, if OW classes were taught in BP/W setups I expect you would see a LOT more of them on the vacation diver market.

Don't be so sure of that. I've seen plenty of "coral walkers" and "silt dusters" in a BP/W setup ... it's more common to see it happen with people in a vest style BCD simply due to sheer numbers, more of them are sold to Joe Average off the street.

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