Why are you ok with doing something, in gear you normally do not use, just to pass an exam?
Because you are there for one and only reason, to PASS the exam, that is the only thing that matters in the IE.
You are not there to learn anything
You are not there to teach anything
And it is pretty costly, specially for the ones who must travel for it.
Make the examiners use their brains a little and figure out how to make your gear work. You will be teaching in it not in jacket. [/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
Great advice, lets make things harder for the one who will be grading you, this can only help you, makes sense!
How about instead, we use OUR brain. What are you trying to achieve by making the examiner "figure out" how to make your gear work? (I honestly think you're on to something here, and the answer is down below...) By us using our brain, I mean, if the mission is to get people to use BP/W from the beginning as the OP intends, then an IE is not the place to start, it's not by changing the view of examiners of today, but the future ones.
Not sure what drysuit has to do with this discussion [/QUOTE]
Maybe it's not your fault that the CD is not ok with someone in a BPW. Maybe the fault is that the CD could use a refresher or two themselves?
Well, you're spot on here, CDs and examiners of today, are the OWs of yesterday, how were they taught to dive, very, very likely on stab jackets, when they became instructors they taught students in stab jackets, some of those students went on to become instructors themselves, so on... so on....
Start the change from the foundation, teaching OWs, not the roof, making examiners scratch their heads
It is pretty obvious it's not his fault the CD isn't ok with BP/W, but perhaps it will be his fault a future CD isn't ok with it.
Pass the IE and get your license to start the change you intend.