Box jellyfish in thailand

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After many more sightings plus victims of this jellyfish in Thailand
I've read a news bout the increase of box jellyfish in Thailand
I'm going to dive in payarm island, in ranong in a month, is it still safe to do so? Especially during this rainy season

Hi Adiplin,

There are box jelly fish in Thailand but there's no reason to panic or feel threatened by them. Simple precautions will be sufficient, like wearing full body protection (in Thailand a 0.5mm skin suit would be sufficient most of the time) and having a bottle of vinegar nearby.

On my dive blog I wrote plenty of information on box jelly's in Thai waters, have a look at the link provided and enjoy your dives in Ranong.
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Thank you very much for your advices, your blog is awesome and very informative.
I've dived in Thai water many times, since Im Thai, obviously haha. :D
But I've never seen or even heard of one until last year, maybe because I usually dive with my family so I didnt really talk to other divers out there or maybe the Tourism Authority of Thailand isnt aware of the box jellyfish until last year. Therefore, I know pretty much nothing about its nature or habitat apart from the fact that they are usually found in Australia and they are deadly.

I usually dive with a shorty wet suit, since it comfortable and easy to move around, I guess Ill have to get a full suit now, 1.5mm should be enough. i've came across the term stinger suit from ur blog, is it the same as wet suit?

back to box jellyfish, I want to know more about it, Whats it nature? does it swim to you or away from u like most marine lifes?

Thanks in advance :blinking:
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Hi adiplin,

Glad to be of help and yes, I would recommend a full length. The stinger suits are 0.5 or 1mm suits in my understanding, so pretty similar to what you like to purchase.

Box jellyfish just floats, they don't go to you or away from you, if you can spot them, just get out of the way, that's the best advise I can give you!
Thanks very much limo!
you advises are excellent!
I was just having a moment of "box jellyfish" panic (I like jellyfish, they are amazing alien-like creature).
since i've never encountered one, and never taken any serious precautions ever before,
ill keep in mind that box jellyfish are there!

Thank you very much!


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