Bottled water at Hotel Brisas?

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ingesting some microbes that may give you the 'tourista trots'...obsessing about only drinking bottled water, avoiding ice, water-rinsed produce, etc isn't going to give you blanket protection from the little beasties...they're everywhere and you will intake some regardless of the precautions you take.

Relax, and enjoy your stay in a foreign country. If you are unfortunate and do get the 'revenge,' take some Immodium. You'll survive...
cyklon_300 once bubbled...
ingesting some microbes that may give you the 'tourista trots'...obsessing about only drinking bottled water, avoiding ice, water-rinsed produce, etc isn't going to give you blanket protection from the little beasties...they're everywhere and you will intake some regardless of the precautions you take.

Relax, and enjoy your stay in a foreign country. If you are unfortunate and do get the 'revenge,' take some Immodium. You'll survive...

That may be true, but it's still no reason not to take reasonable precautions. On Cozumel in 25 years of going there, I followed some simple rules and never got sick (other than very minor incidents) until my last trip, where my sister handed me what we both thought was a cold beer, but actually was an empty someone had put back in the cooler, and the cooler had been stocked from fragments of bags of ice floating in two feet of questionable water in a "dead" ice machine. I took a big gulp before I realized the diff, and by the next morning, I was miserable. I was sick for a week, and neither Immodium nor Pepto nor Maalox nor Kaopectate gave me any relief; it took major antibiotics. I won't say it totally ruined my trip, but it certainly diminished my enjoyment of it.

My rules were, and are: brush teeth with and drink only purified water, and keep my mouth shut in shower and pool. Rinse limes that are to be put into drinks with bottled water; the same with tomatoes for sandwiches. Avoid salads. That's it. The ice (bagged and in drinks in restaurants) is fine. The food in the restaurants is fine, even in the little beach clubs over on the "wild side". The food in the delis in the grocery strores is fine. The beer is fine.

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