Bonaire & Dive Guides?

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My husband and I went with another couple to Bonaire when we all had about 40 dives under our belt. It was our first dive trip out of the States on our own. The couple we went with were quite nervous about us going out into the ocean without a guide. We used Dive Friends Bonaire as our dive shop for tank refills. We took their PADI Shore Diving class to gain some confidence. As they explained it to us, the class teaches stuff that you would eventually figure out on your own; but instead of taking 20 dives to figure it all out, they teach it to you in the classroom and two guided dives.

For our other couple that was not as confident, taking this specialty course was exactly what was needed. And since the course came with two guided dives, it allowed us to get our feet wet with a guide before striking out on our own. This could go a long ways in helping your wife get the confidence she needs to do shore diving without a guide.

Although Dive Friends Bonaire offers the PADI Shore Diving course, I would think there are probably other dive operators on the island who would offer it as well. However, I would highly recommend using Dive Friends Bonaire. They are very knowledgeable and friendly plus they have 5 different locations on the island. You can rent tanks at one location and drop them off for refills at a different location depending upon which location is closest to where you choose to dive that day. Plus they will provide guided dives if that is what you decide you need to get your wife to go diving in Bonaire.

Even though we did not have much experience when we went there, Dive Friends Bonaire was still able to use a hand-drawn map they had at one of their locations and give us underwater diving directions to two seahorses. When we got underwater, we were able to follow those directions and found the seahorses without any difficulty. That is just one example of how helpful they are.
No, unfortunately, there is no PADI Shore Diving class. What you got was a Distinctive Specialty written by Dive Friends and reviewed/approved by PADI. No one else has that same class to teach or even to see the Instructor Guide for it; I know, I asked Dive Friends and was refused. My solution is to offer to the folks on the trips I lead the SDI Shore Diving class. I may write my own Distinctive Specialty tailored to Bonaire, but first I'm working on a DS on bioluminesence, with particular attention to Ostracods, which are easily seen on Bonaire about half the time (depends on the moon phase).

I find it unfortunate they so readily pass out info on finding seahorses, which are rather fragile and easily disturbed, if only inadvertently. Too many divers have neither the skills nor the discipline to be close to a seahorse, especially if they are carrying a camera. You may be the exception, but I'm only guessing that someone who needs a shore - diving course may be new to the game. I apologize if this offends.
I suspect a lot more Bonaire first-timers would take Dive Friends Bonaire's Shore Diver course if DFB publicized it more. I think it's a GREAT idea.
Sometime it is not about what you do as much as how you do it.
I fully agree. Like a few others on this thread, I had an interaction with him where he was quite rude. Hence my decision to dive with VIP Diving on this next trip.

But he does have quite a few positive posts on the forum, so clearly, your mileage may vary...
I agree, perception becomes reality.

I have always enjoyed an excellent relationship with Bas, even though I think he thinks I tried to drown him by running him out of air :D

Sometimes you just catch a guy at the wrong time and he comes across wrong. I'm 100% sure there are those out there who think I'm a jerk. Poop Happens!

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