I keep up just fine. Now you're specifying 'violent' crime. Secondly you're saying that only dumb people lock their cars or put any items in a locked car trunk or get their batteries stolen. Let's face it you don't really care one way or the other in regard to yourself and your loved ones about Bonaire and that's fine, you're going to go no matter what, you'll conform in whatever way you have to because you're used to far worse at home. That's a fine attitude and nobody can fault you for making your own choices. However, your choices don't make everyone else's dumb for having a different outlook and a different indifference of crime than you do, especially when your perspective is so skewered in the opposite direction since you live in a high crime area and take draconian steps to combat it. Many of the rest of us come from low crime homes and have different expectations of security and victimization, especially when we are spending thousands of hard earned dollars for getting away from it all for relaxation and enjoyment.