Blue Springs dive Report

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The "Diving Flamingos" or The "Central Florida Mingos"... Florida diving with an attitude! (We would have a HUGE amount of stuff available for this)

The "No, we're not Tourists! Dive Team" (NWNTDT).


The "Central Florida Finsters".

"Tanned Divers".

The "No, We're Not Retired" Dive Team (NWNRDT)

"Margueritaville Divers".

"Parrot Head Divers". (For those Jimmy Buffet fans)
Originally posted by NetDoc
The "Diving Flamingos" or The "Central Florida Mingos"... Florida diving with an attitude! (We would have a HUGE amount of stuff available for this)
The "No, we're not Tourists! Dive Team" (NWNTDT).
The "Central Florida Finsters".
"Tanned Divers".
The "No, We're Not Retired" Dive Team (NWNRDT)
"Margueritaville Divers".
"Parrot Head Divers". (For those Jimmy Buffet fans)
LOL - "Diving Flamingos" - oh the imagery - You guys crack me up :D ! keep it coming! makes me wish I were living in Florida again (especially today after all the snow we got).

Socal - glad to hear you are jumping right into things!
"The Manatees dive Club", it seems a certain person I recently met refers to himself as one of them critters ;) and I look like a beached whale that could probably pass as a manatee as well.

Just another thought. I do like some of your latest ideas though Pete.

Sunshinefish, I think that is the beauty about divers. We all have a certain passion and desire, at least the avid divers. We live to dive and dive to live. So it isn't hard to get into things when you come into contact with the good people that I have been fortunate enough to meet in person and talk to on the phone. Come on down and join us. Would love to have your company. Do one of those loooonnnng weekend getaways.
Maybe we could all get tank stickers that say Welcome to Florida, now Go Home :wave: Just kidding, :hehe: ya'll understand. :tree: Bob
I wouldn't take offense Pete, really :boom:

However, I must state in my defense, I am not one of those "Snowbirds" that Floridians kindly refer to periodically :p

I think you are getting warm on the name to call the Florida chapter of NDI.
Dave, NetDoc:
No offense was intended and I hope none was taken. I am nervous that Dave might be upset, that bomb kinda scares me... :hiding: I like the Florida chapter of the NDI also, that might be it. Now if only we had a NetDoc to run the show.:tree:Bob
I kinda like the name "Sub-Floridians". I don't think that a label like "spring divers" is accurate for us here because we have so many different kinds of dives available to us here in Florida. That would be as inaccurate as calling us ocean divers.

Perhaps we could be the "Tourons", though that would require that we stop in the middle of the road to read maps.... :-)
Originally posted by Bob
Dave, NetDoc:
No offense was intended and I hope none was taken.

Yo Bob,

Please take most of my funning with your tongue FIRMLY planted in your cheek. If there was a problem, I would not try to deal with it publicly first. I always TRY and do my real criticising in private. Translation; It was only a joke.
Originally posted by Bob
I like the Florida chapter of the NDI also, that might be it. Now if only we had a NetDoc to run the show.:tree:Bob

Well, I am NOT going anywhere, but we do have a TON of motivated and qualified people to help organise things here. I tried to organise one dive and got nowhere fast. I DO appreciate the compliment AND will help wherever possible... you can count me "in". That is, count me "in" AFTER February when I get through my NAUI Instructor's course.

I also have a Dive group that I head up already... BSA Venture Crew #7. It is Coed and could use some adult male AND female volunteers to make it work. The Crew is coed and is comprised of kids 14 thru 20. Although most of the kids come from Apopka HS and Lake Brantley HS, there is no reason that stops anyone in the Orlando area from joining us. I do not see a problem of us doing many "joint" dives together. We will be starting the certification process mid to late March for the kids, and will probably have room for some adults as well. BTW, advanced training and certification will be provided for those that volunteer.

As for some "FUN" trips, one of our current volunteers runs a Cruise travel agency... I know she can hook us up with some great deals.

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