Blue Spring, not Blue Anymore!

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Reaction score
Longwood, FL
# of dives
500 - 999
The Springs are once again open to all water activities. They found two rabid otters that have been errr, "relocated", yeah thats the ticket, relocated. I must say, many of you fine folks had a field day with my first post "Rabid Otter Closes Blue Spring". I did enjoy most of the post although a few were really reaching. So its back to normal in Orange City, Florida. :337:
The Springs are once again open to all water activities. They found two rabid otters that have been errr, "relocated", yeah thats the ticket, relocated. I must say, many of you fine folks had a field day with my first post "Rabid Otter Closes Blue Spring". I did enjoy most of the post although a few were really reaching. So its back to normal in Orange City, Florida. :337:
I dove Blue Springs once and found it pretty boring....
blue spring not blue anymore?

is it yellow?

simbrooks must have been there today!
ok, first of all, i am a MASTER Wetsuit Urinator, thank you very much...

and also, that bungee cord provoked me and it got what was coming to it
Man, I told you to let me know when you were taking that class!! I would have been the perfect buddy for you in such a venture. The combined odor from our wetsuits would very likely have chased out those invasive otters.

As a side note, I have developed a technique for keeping those evil little guys away from me. I drink 2 quarts of Gatorade 1 hour before any dive in an otter infected area. By the time I've geared up for my dive, I gotta go potty, but I hold it. Now, during the dive I continuosly monitor my surroundings for signs of approaching otters (ie, small shadows in the water, machine gun bullets striking the water above me). At the first sign of an all out otter assault, I release all of the Gatorade. Imediately I am surrounded by 64 small gators, who proceed to chomping the everliving heck out of my antagonists. Once the first wave of attackers are neutralized, the gators disappear. However that strange "taste" lingers in the water for quite some time, & the otters can't seem to stand it, and allow me to exit the water & "Go" in peace.
blue spring not blue anymore?

is it yellow?

simbrooks must have been there today!
I have only been there once and that was with MetalDetector, even my large bladder could not hold enough to turn that spring another colour! As he can also attest i went to the restroom post dive - so no need for the wetsuit pee-valve.

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