Blue Hole Dive

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Reaction score
San Diego, CA
# of dives
200 - 499
Does anyone know if you can just book one dive at the Blue Hole or do all the dive shops only offer a 3 tank trip? We're going to spend a week on the Nekton (they don't dive the blue hole though) and I'm really only interested in that one dive while we're staying on Ambergris Caye. Plus the $300 per person price is steep.
None that I know of. Besides, the last 2 dives of the day are what make it all worth it. The Blue Hole dive, in itself, is more of a been there done that dive.
It's so long of a boat trip out there to the BH, you are not going to want to do a short deep dive and then turn around and head back to Ambergris. I actually thought it was a cool dive, but I don't know if after diving for a week on a liveaboard, where you should have some amazing diving, that it's worth taking the trip out just to bag that one.
a lot of that cost is the time and fuel getting out there, so if there was such a thing as a 1 tank trip there it probably wouldn't save you as much money as you might think. But really, it's not worth it.
I believe all shops on Ambergrise Caye only offer a 3 tank dive for the Blue Hole. As was said in earlier post the 2nd and 3rd dives are "wall" dives much shallower, 60'
It makes for a long day. Why does the Nekton not dive the Blue Hole????
We decided to skip BH after going to Belize with that dive in mind specifically. After discussing the dive with others who had been there, and industry locals we figured why waste one whole day going so far for a "touch and go" 10 minute dive, when there were so many great dives much closer. Loved Belize, do not regret skipping the hole.
Why does the Nekton not dive the Blue Hole????
AFAIK, it doesn't fit through the channel. The Sun Dancer is a much narrower beam and is a bit of a squeeze, they take that thing in very carefully. (I've read if conditions are snotty they won't do it.)
Echo the not worth it post.
Should be called the Black Hole; very gloomy down there at 43m/140ft.
Wayyyyyyyyyyy overpriced!!!

13 years since I did it, and it still rates as the highest-profile mediocre dive I've done anywhere.

A triumph for marketing hype.

I figured they probably didn't offer a one tank dive but I thought I'd ask. I hadn't heard that their boat couldn't fit, their paperwork said something like it was beyond the recreational depth or too close to it so therefore they don't take the risk.

I've also heard from several people including instructors at my local dive shop that it's overrated. The photos of it are so synonymous with Belize I just didn't want to miss out. It is really overpriced though and I know we'll have great diving on the Pilot. Maybe I'll just settle for the snorkel trip to Hol Chan and Shark Ray Alley.

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