Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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Any recent vis reports?
This is Force E's report from today: 77-79 degree water and vis 20-25 ft. I also heard "green water but very diveable"

There have been dives I have done where 20-25 ft would have seemed spectacular, in comparison. 20-25 ft I can live with. 2-3ft viz, I hate, passionately!

If I can not see a buddy, that is no longer my idea of a good dive.
I'll post photos later this evening. But for tonight's divers:

Viz this morning was good for about 15-20 ft. Then it got very blurry/milky. Water is more blue than green. And water temp 75 according to my Suunto.

Happy Memorial Day everyone. The only chance I'll have to dive this weekend is in a barrel over Niagara Falls.
Sweet. I'm ready to play hooky and get to the bridge. I'm super hyped about diving tonight (and this weekend Sat & Sun).
Thanks for the report. Have a safe trip!
A few pics from this morning. A very yellow day.

DSC01247 copy.jpg DSC01284 copy.jpg DSC01296 copy.jpg
Nice. Hope to find them too!
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