I thought I would pop in with an apology for all the divers I drove crazy with my beeping computer on SaturdayMy Uatec was quite alarmed by my multiple bounces to 120m (393.7 ft) I suspect I now hold the depth record for diving at BHB
Possibly also the most annoying diver award as well. I am glad I was diving with a redundant computer but I am not sure other divers were as I would have had to abort the dive otherwise. I have come a fair ways to establish my goal of a dive longer than 3hrs at the Bridge.
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I am curious about this critter. In OZ I would ID it as an Umbrella Shell. Anybody want to educate the Ozzie?
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Lol I was checking my camera not my computer. Worried until I gave Jenny the "do you hear that" signal.
On the other hand if I had hung around the area instead of leaving I could have checked a critter off my life list. The Umbraculum is still on it & yet
you on what your 2nd BHB dive saw one. Good for you. By the way I logged 21ft/6.4m