Well based on Sunday's cool critters found and unusual behaviors seen (and despite mixed reviews from that night from more experienced bridge regulars) we tried again Monday night.
At first it seemed doable though the current was really moving
(looked liked the moon jelly express lane).
We stayed out front where we had good luck the previous night but ground swell and growing wind was introducing tons of suspended sand into the already 10 foot vis.
Combined with a tendency to roll you around in the shallows we had no problem making it out before curfew.
Being a video guy I consider all the above "ambience" and shot some cool subjects regardless.

My favorite being a large flame box crab out marauding and giving me his "I am Kong" threat moves.
While a fan of most box crabs the color pattern on this type is phenomenal.
I also found what appeared to be a juvenile hound or needle fish near the surface feeding on very tiny silversides. He would explode away whenever my lights got too close.
Hopefully the other brave souls that night gots some good pics, my still photog was not optimistic.
We drove home last night figuring 12 more hours of heavy surf would not improve conditions.
Will relax today and try to get some photos posted.