Hi DiveDiva...
KNow you do know that I had nothing to do with the Park issuing a contract to a vendor....the local shops had been approached for years, and offered a Request for Proposals so that the Park could rent out space on the North West side of the park...it would require somewhere between $30,000 and $100,000 from what I read of the last RFP I saw 2 years ago....and more important than the money to the Park, was the promise to offer major services to the people using the park--to enhance the park. For years, no one was interested, and this included Force E and Pura Vida, and JASA. It was just not what they do, and they did not want to experiment.....Apparently Stuart Scuba and Little Deeper felt that the time was right to experiment with what they could do to increase services and park experience quality....From the RFP, it was clear that this was the real deal maker for the Park, not so much what they could charge the vendor.
Top people of the Park? As you may have heard, I was working closely with the County Park service, meeting frequently with their staff and management teams over Project Seahorse----we are instituting a youth outreach, teaching the little local kids to swim, and to snorkel at the BHB. As you may know, many of the local families at the BHB have both kids and parents in the water, and they don't swim....We worked with a bunch of kids for the Event in JUne, and all the kids are now excited about the underwater wonders of the BHB....and the non-swimmers now want to learn to swim, to see what is blowing the minds of their friends.... www.projectseahorse-bhb.org
Dan, I don't think you were in on the decisions. I just know that you are the go to guy if you want to know what is happening at the bridge...

As for the "top people" that was just for fun. It is a great line by the government to Harrison Ford's character in the last few minutes of Raiders of the Lost Arc. Give a listen to it you will get a good chuckle. That was not a serious comment I made. It was referring to the line in the movie only.
I am aware what you are doing with the local kids. I think it is great would love to see them enjoying and appreciating the bridge.