Working on our bottom time. Can't get enough! Yesterday 115 mins on an 80. Today, 138 minutes. Maribi on a steel 100 went 156 minutes. Obviously we were the last ones out, but the vis out on the sand and near the carts/wreck stayed pretty good at 20'+, not bad for an hour and a half after hight tide.
Shot for the very first time with my dedicated macro lens. Takes some getting used to but got some nice stuff. The diving today was beautiful. There was one short stretch where the vis was 50' or more, and a school of eagle rays swam through right at that time!! No shots of them because I was going macro, but that beautiful sight was the highlight.
Still, got some great critters. Will be posting pics later this week. I am loving the combo of easy still and video shooting with my new camera, even got some decent macro video of a purple pipefish, a blenny, a red scorpionfish, and an orange beauty that we will need help identifying.
Also saw our first sea robin yesterday! Yeah!!
Was great to see all the trolls!