I had hoped to see a recent status report for the BHB prior to making the drive up yesterday.
It’s been some time since anyone posted on this thread, so here’s what I experienced yesterday:
No worries about parking. Plenty of space in the “front row” corridor. Water temperature was 80 degrees. Entered 75 minutes before the tide turned, and water clarity was excellent. I entered at the east end of the swimming area, headed south to the channel, and slowly worked my way over to the east span, then spent some time north of the span. Current was as mild as I can ever recall, and visibility remained pretty good until after the turn of the tide. Total dive time of 150 minutes.
Found as many newborn Highhats as I’ve ever seen in one place. Photographing them is like trying to make images of the fingernals of a hyperactive two year old child. Good, challenging fun. Also made images of two species of Scorpionfish, Polka Dot Batfish, Bandtail Searobin, mating Box Crabs, Dragonets, a young free swimming Spotted Moray, two species of Razorfish, a pair of Striped Bumblebee Shrimp, Blue Crabs, and a lone Slippery Dick.
Was surprised not to have found any Octopus. Them’s the breaks. Guess I’ll have to try again.