I dove last night, 9/13, night dive sponsored by Force-E. HT was 8:19PM. I arrived a little after 6p and was able to get parking at the sidewalk, in the middle of the beach. There were divers there, but it wasn't really crowded. Force-E was doing a guided dive, and there was a group from Orlando. I saw few other divers in the parking lot, but definitely not crowded. I entered the water at 7:20, 15 ft off the beach I see an Oxynoe antillarum. I stayed in the 5-9 ft depth range and went east, staying with sea grass until the bend where the boat is. I poked around on the rocks on the bend and found some nudis. Then drifted back to the sea grass area before exiting. I dove for about 130 minutes. I had an HP120, I could have done another 90 minutes, but it was getting late. Upon surfacing, I could see that no one else was in the water, so I made my exit.
Hopefully I'll resolve why my pics keep getting taken down automatically.
Oxynoe antillarum
Hermaea cruciata
Lobiger souverbii
A Halloween party of Skeleton Shrimp
Skeleton Shrimp
Hopefully I'll resolve why my pics keep getting taken down automatically.
Oxynoe antillarum

Hermaea cruciata

Lobiger souverbii

A Halloween party of Skeleton Shrimp

Skeleton Shrimp