I got in the water on both Saturday and Sunday. I arrived Saturday between 8:15-8:30am and had to park in the back. The parking situation was pretty insane. I dove with
@SubNeo for the second time. We swam in the SW area without ever going under the bridge. We found some small octopuses, a couple Seahorses, a school of squid, the small decorator crab I've ever found (half the size of a pea). Water temp was 77 most of the dive.
On Sunday I arrived around the same time, this time meeting up with
@Scuba_Jenny with the hopes of finding some frogfish. She pointed out
@Pipehorse in the parking lot. This was the first time we met, so that was really cool. The parking wasn't nearly as bad as Saturday, but with the time change, HT was pushed back 1.5 hours and maybe people were just tired from the time change in general. As HT approached, parking spots started to fill up quickly. We were on the hunt for FF. Last time I lost Jenny while taking pictures of something. This time, I was not going to lose her. If something was difficult to take pictures of, then to hell with it, staying with her was my #1 goal

. Water temp for this dive was 78. Jenny knows all the good spots along the way, but again, my goal, don't lose Jenny. Jenny eventually found a FF and we had to deal with some lurkers who were silting and butting in to get pics. I just backed off so they could take some pics and hopefully leave, which they kind of did. They kept swimming around behind me bumping into my fins. I found the smallest FF I've ever seen and 3 divers came swimming over me silting to the point of zero vis. I lost the really small FF before I could even think of taking a picture. Other than the turkey divers, it was a really good dive. Thanks again Jenny!