Blue Heron Bridge Trolls III

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Went to the bridge for diving today and yesterday. Park was not crowded on either day. Conditions were similar both days with visibility at 30ft. However sea temp today was 75f, and 76f yesterday. Did REEF fish counts on both days, 62 species in 60 minutes. Yesterday the find of the day was a juvenile Snakefish. Today the routine was a little different routine, I actually had a diving buddy. @Scuba_Jenny graciously agreed to show me where she finds Dwarf Frogfish. The area where Jenny has located the Dwarf Frogfish is well known to me. I have spent much time there, but just didnot have my eyes at the right focal length/shape recognition mode to spot Dwarf Frogfish. Jenny was a few feet away and in front of me searching. I was watching studiously, I glanced downward and away, and voila, there is a Dwarf Frogfish swimming inches below me. Immediately the camera was in video mode, I am trying to video and get Jenny's attention, when another Dwarf Frogfish dashes into the frame and out just as fast. At which point I can here Jenny trying to get my attention. Another diver arrived in the midst of this, when all was said and done five Dwarf Frogfish had been observed in area no greater than 2 feet in radius. So I have come to the conclusion that similar to Banded Blennies, and Stargazers, the Dwarf Frogfish are commonly occurring, but not commonly observed. In when looking right at them they are well camouflaged, and have a tendency to rest in the algae in a way that makes getting good images difficult. The video is more revealing because the fish is swimming. I grabbed still shots off the video. Respectively, Headshield Slug, Juvenile Snakefish, Dwarf Frogfish 1&2, Mushroom Scorpion, Scallop (species unknown), Whelk Egg Casing (species unknown), and Frogfish Video.
03-07-23 Headshield Slug.jpeg
03-07-23 Juvenile Snakefish.jpeg
03-08-23 Dwarf Frogfish1.jpg
03-08-23 Dwarf Frogfish3.jpg
03-08-23 Mushroom Scorpion.jpeg
03-08-23 Scallop.jpeg
03-08-23 Whelk Egg Casing.jpeg



  • 03-08-23 Dwarf Frogfish2 (2).jpg
    03-08-23 Dwarf Frogfish2 (2).jpg
    59.6 KB · Views: 48
I made it to the bridge tonight 3/6, night dive sponsored by Force-E. Water temp was 77. I would guess vis was around 15-20ft, hard to tell if better since I'm not using really bright lights. I stuck around the beach area looking in the muck. I found 5 of the nudi below, they were maybe 2mm long and extremely difficult to photograph. One of the bumblebee shrimps had a really interesting pattern, dotted lines. I don't normally crop pictures, but I just couldn't get close enough to the bumblebee shrimps to fill the frame because they kept moving and I wanted to show off the patterns.

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Very cool
Went to the bridge for diving today and yesterday. Park was not crowded on either day. Conditions were similar both days with visibility at 30ft. However sea temp today was 75f, and 76f yesterday. Did REEF fish counts on both days, 62 species in 60 minutes. Yesterday the find of the day was a juvenile Snakefish. Today the routine was a little different routine, I actually had a diving buddy. @Scuba_Jenny graciously agreed to show me where she finds Dwarf Frogfish. The area where Jenny has located the Dwarf Frogfish is well known to me. I have spent much time there, but just didnot have my eyes at the right focal length/shape recognition mode to spot Dwarf Frogfish. Jenny was a few feet away and in front of me searching. I was watching studiously, I glanced downward and away, and voila, there is a Dwarf Frogfish swimming inches below me. Immediately the camera was in video mode, I am trying to video and get Jenny's attention, when another Dwarf Frogfish dashes into the frame and out just as fast. At which point I can here Jenny trying to get my attention. Another diver arrived in the midst of this, when all was said and done five Dwarf Frogfish had been observed in area no greater than 2 feet in radius. So I have come to the conclusion that similar to Banded Blennies, and Stargazers, the Dwarf Frogfish are commonly occurring, but not commonly observed. In when looking right at them they are well camouflaged, and have a tendency to rest in the algae in a way that makes getting good images difficult. The video is more revealing because the fish is swimming. I grabbed still shots off the video. Respectively, Headshield Slug, Juvenile Snakefish, Dwarf Frogfish 1&2, Mushroom Scorpion, Scallop (species unknown), Whelk Egg Casing (species unknown), and Frogfish Video.View attachment 773490View attachment 773491View attachment 773492View attachment 773494View attachment 773495View attachment 773496View attachment 773497

Love the slug and scallop. Dwarf frogfish? I am envious. Super envious because I was inside working and you were in the water exploring. Water temperature? Are you in a 5mm?
@Pipehorse Awesome FF video. I've looked for them on the last 2 night dives. I think I'm in the right area, which is where I took the pictures of the roughback and arrow shrimps. @scuba_jenny is the dwarf ff whisperer at this point.
GREAT video of the ff. Never seen them swimming like that before. Great catch! So glad you got to finally see one. erh, I mean 5!!!!!!!!!!!!
@MrChen , you probably are in the right area. The other diver that appeared that day, had been telling me that they hadn't been finding them either. I told them where I would be looking, and was a bit surprised they showed up while we were there. I've seen some photos of others who are also in that area, as I recognized the scallop.
My search continues for the rusty and tessalated blennies..
Went to the bridge for diving yesterday. It was a little more crowded at the park than I would expect for an 0921 high tide. Entered the eastside at 0810. Sea temp was 76f, and visibility had diminished to 20ft, from the 30ft it was on Wednesday. @Catito was asking what thickness wetsuit I was using. When sea temp is below 80f I am in 5mm and full hood. As it warms up I will use a lighter hood, and somewhere around May I am back in a 3mm until about November. Did a REEF fish count of 62 species in 60 minutes. The most unusual find of the day was a pair of Striped Croaker, only been observed at BHB three or four times before. Also observed a Giant Hermit Crab that decided to use a 3 inch PVC pipe cap as a makeshift shell. I guess its better than the Giant Hermit Crab that out grew the beer bottle last year. Respectively, Atlantic Grey Cowry, Makeshift Shell, Phoronopsis californica, Striped Croaker, and Striped Croaker Video.
03-09-23 Atlantic Grey Cowrie1.jpeg
03-09-23 Makeshift Shell.jpeg
03-09-23 Phoronopsis californica1.jpeg
03-09-23 Striped Croaker.jpeg

What @Pipehorse wrote on his slate after finding the froggies.. :)


striped croaker.. not as shy as the reef croaker, but has the same movements.. Will be on the lookout for them.
I'd heard mid-March through mid-October, not May. I've also heard it is delayed a bit but that is 2nd hand information. I've seen no further details myself. I'd love to know if others have heard more exact timing.

Diving will not be closed, but to enter the water you will need to go up small hill to the east, cross Blue Heron Boulevard at the stoplight, and down the stairs to the beach. Not awful but definitely a longer walk than is typical. The entire beach UNDER the bridge will be closed.
I can't find any reference other than what has already been posted by FDOT about this happening during the fall. No reference to anything starting two weeks from now. However, there was one those portable signs on the eastside of the bridge warning about road construction starting on the bridge March 23. I do see an article in the Dec 29, 2022 Palm Beach Post stating that it will start in March of this year. I will have to do some more research on the matter.
I can't find any reference other than what has already been posted by FDOT about this happening during the fall. No reference to anything starting two weeks from now. However, there was one those portable signs on the eastside of the bridge warning about road construction starting on the bridge March 23. I do see an article in the Dec 29, 2022 Palm Beach Post stating that it will start in March of this year. I will have to do some more research on the matter.

Just saw on Facebook. Sharing for those who don't do the Book of Faces.

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), District Four, will host a Construction Open House both in person and virtually regarding upcoming improvements to the Blue Heron Boulevard Bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway in the City of Riviera Beach. Participants may attend in person or online. Representatives will be available to provide information and answer questions.
• Replacing portions of the bridge deck in the outside westbound lane
• Repairing concrete on the bridge foundations, including the bridge piers, columns and beams
• Milling and resurfacing the roadway at each end of the bridge
• Adding new pavement markings
Meeting Information: Monday, March 20, 2023
Online (GoToWebinar) — 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Please use the following link or QR code to register:
You may also call in at: 1 (877) 309-2071
Access Code: 874-656-387
• Presentations will begin at 5:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
• Question & Answer sessions will follow each presentation.
In-person — 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Riviera Beach Marina Event Center — Hatcher Ballroom
190 East 13th Street
Riviera Beach, FL 33404
• Project personnel will be available to address questions one-on-one and review the project scope, schedule and lane closures.
Angel Gardner — Community Outreach Specialist or (561) 886-8773


Just saw on Facebook. Sharing for those who don't do the Book of Faces.

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), District Four, will host a Construction Open House both in person and virtually regarding upcoming improvements to the Blue Heron Boulevard Bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway in the City of Riviera Beach. Participants may attend in person or online. Representatives will be available to provide information and answer questions.
• Replacing portions of the bridge deck in the outside westbound lane
• Repairing concrete on the bridge foundations, including the bridge piers, columns and beams
• Milling and resurfacing the roadway at each end of the bridge
• Adding new pavement markings
Meeting Information: Monday, March 20, 2023
Online (GoToWebinar) — 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Please use the following link or QR code to register:
You may also call in at: 1 (877) 309-2071
Access Code: 874-656-387
• Presentations will begin at 5:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
• Question & Answer sessions will follow each presentation.
In-person — 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Riviera Beach Marina Event Center — Hatcher Ballroom
190 East 13th Street
Riviera Beach, FL 33404
• Project personnel will be available to address questions one-on-one and review the project scope, schedule and lane closures.
Angel Gardner — Community Outreach Specialist or (561) 886-8773

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Latest update from Jeff Nelson at Force-E. They plan to close the bridge Monday 3/20!!! Please be sure and attend this meeting if possible, either in person or virtually. Jeff is pushing to have them leave a section open at all times that divers can use to cross under the bridge to dive. For those of you that use Facebook and are friends with Jeff, he just shared a short video update on his Facebook page. I expect the Force-E Facebook pages will be sharing it as well.

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