Got to dive the BHB last week, just as awesome as I remember.
One thing I noticed...the lack of dive flags. I thought by law, you had to use a dive flag in Florida.
Saw more than a dozen divers enter/exit without a flag while I was there. Saw several w/o during my dive as well. Probably 75% of them were ones carrying nice camera rigs.
From Florida Statute 327.331
(2)All divers must prominently display a divers-down warning device in the area in which the diving occurs, other than when diving in an area customarily used for swimming only. A divers-down buoy may not be used or displayed onboard a vessel.
(3) A diver or group of divers may not display one or more divers-down warning devices on a river, inlet, or navigation channel, except in case of emergency, in a manner that unreasonably constitutes a navigational hazard.
(4) Divers shall make reasonable efforts to stay within 100 feet of a divers-down warning device on rivers, inlets, and navigation channels. A person operating a vessel on a river, inlet, or navigation channel must make a reasonable effort to maintain a distance of at least 100 feet from any divers-down warning device.
(5) Divers must make reasonable efforts to stay within 300 feet of a divers-down warning device on all waters other than rivers, inlets, and navigation channels. A person operating a vessel on waters other than a river, inlet, or navigation channel must make a reasonable effort to maintain a distance of at least 300 feet from any divers-down warning device.
So does BHB fall under #4, or #5. I am guessing Law Enforcement would call it #4. Either way, there is no reason any diver should be in the boating channel according to #3. Also seems like a dive flag would not be needed in the swimming area, according to #2. I am also guessing that a lot of individuals without flags think that there are so many other divers with flags, that they are covered.