you need to do a beach dive with me..
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the reason for diving on the high tide is the current is non existent for a short period of time from when the waters stops moving in to when the water starts moving back out. Usually that window is about 30 minutes, though I suspect for some reason there are seasonally longer or shorter periods.We had an interesting dive yesterday. Went in at 3:49 on the east side of the swim area. We swam out to the snorkel zone and drifted west. The vis was around 5 ft. With almost no finning, we arrived at the first set of bridge pilings in about 30 minutes. On Monday's dive it took us almost 90 minutes to cover the same distance. Well, on Monday we could actually see, so we stopped a lot more. But yesterday stopping meant finning into the current. And it wasn't impossible to do, but it definitely was work.
When we got to the first set of pilings, the current was noticeably stronger, and I would guess it was close to 1 knot. Then we did have to work hard to get back around to the beach. I don't know if the current decreased as it got closer to high tide.
This dive was a reminder to me how conditions can vary greatly day to day. On Monday we went in almost two hours before high tide and experienced almost no current and pretty good vis. Yesterday it was fun to drift but not what I was expecting.
Please give as much exact location as possible where the lionfish is so that the collectors can get it.. unless a spearo gets it first!!!