Blown out of NC - ending Up at Alabama Blue Water - Pelham, AL 4/2/05

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Woodstock, GA
Looks like Kyle's and my plans to get some NC wreck diving have been blown out by mother nature. Gale warning's and 10 to 14' seas with 25-35 knot winds, whew.

So since Mother nature is showing her wraith on our dive day, Kyle and I are traveling inland to Alabama Blue Water (, Pelham, AL. Looks like it will take about 2 1/2-3 hrs from Atlanta. Steelslinger (Zach) on another thread has stated it was 57 on the surface and 54 on the bottom a week or so ago. Anything above 50 and I will be an extremely happy man. We are going to go out and pull 2-3 dives and be out there till around Close. We are also going to be going out there at the crack of dawn to try to be out there around park opening. We will be looking for you Zach. If you need a dive partner we could always fly in sequence as a 3-some. Kyle flys on my left, you could take the right if you wanted it.. :)

Anybody that is interested in coming out feel free. The more the merrier. You can see a picture of me in my profile if you don't know what I look like.

You can see a picture of me in my profile if you don't know what I look like.

Egad, my eyes! Talk about scary!

:wink: j/k Hope to see you guys next weekend if weather cleans up. It finally stopped raining here.

Looking forward to a report, haven't been to BW, only Rock Divers.
Egad, my eyes! Talk about scary!
Scary indeed, that is me after a 46 minute dive in 47 degree water.. :) It's amazing I could even smile, heh.

:wink: j/k Hope to see you guys next weekend if weather cleans up. It finally stopped raining here.

Looking forward to a report, haven't been to BW, only Rock Divers.
I think it is two weekends from now, next weekend would be the 9th.. :) Looks like most likely I will end up down in NFL the weekend of the 16th and the next weekend of the 22nd. I haven't been to rock divers and we were really thinking about going there. $5 to camp out there sounds like a great deal, but there was no way to get in after hours to camp. So since it is an extra extra past bluewater we just decided to go to bluewater Sat morning instead.

Look forward to seeing ya the weekend of the 16th,

The crack of dawn might be a bit early, the quarry does not open until 9:00.
The crack of dawn might be a bit early, the quarry does not open until 9:00.
It is going to take me 3 hrs to get out there. If I leave my house at the crack of dawn (6AM), I will get to the quarry at opening time.

Hey Matt, sorry mother nature decided to dump on our plans. What can you do....go to another location. I'm heading in towards Raleigh tomorrow to get measured for my drysuit. The diveshop is located at the local quarry which they claim is at around 40ft vis right now. He told me if I come to be ready to dive so I just may take him up on it. Anyways, we'll get together one of these days. I may just try and hook-up with you one weekend in NFL. See ya on wreckmaniac.
You and Kyle have a safe drive and dive!

That profile pic looks like it was took on location at West Bank Park. You also look cold brother!

sorry about the NC trip with you and Kyle. Jesse and I are going fishing this comming week down in Palatka, Fl. on the St. Johns river. No scuba gear is going along. Just fishing with my grandfather (he's getting quite old now).

I've been thinking about taking a drive over to Alabama Blue Water this month and check it out. Let me know how the dive is and if it's worth the drive for the dive.

That profile pic looks like it was took on location at West Bank Park. You also look cold brother!
Hey J, Hope you, Jessie, and your Grandfather have a good time and catch many fish. Bring me back some please!

That pic was indeed taken from WBP a few weeks ago and I was indeed cold. It was a.. "Quick, take the pic, I'm heading to the car to get warm." kind of picture.

We will indeed return with a report and hopefully some pictures. I did what Allen did and bought an Oly C-5000 and a PT-019. I have no pressure tested it in the bathtub, and pushed all the buttons and levers. Next is the depth test without the camera in the housing. I will be doing this on the first dive tommarrow. Hoping all goes well and hopefully I will have 2 dives to take some pics on tommarrow. If worst comes to worst, atleast it is Flood insured by DEPP already.. :p

It is going to take me 3 hrs to get out there. If I leave my house at the crack of dawn (6AM), I will get to the quarry at opening time.

But yall are an hour ahead of us.
But yall are an hour ahead of us.
Already taken into consideration. I assume with the breakfest stops, and plenty of restroom stops (all that hydration), We won't be getting there all that early. :) If I actually get out of here at 6AM I think it will be a miracle. Kyle's a tough one to wake up, I've almost had to kick him a few times to get him up. Ok, so I did kick him a few times, but who's going to say anything.. :p LOL..


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