Lobotomy is the magic word! And a full frontal lobotomy is a lot less fun than a full frontal nudity...depending, of course, on whom we are talking about.
And are you a redneck if you spell it rednek? Or think that BC stands for beer can?
Oh, yeah, if the "other Doc" gives you any more bad times about your latin or spelling, give him the digitus impunitus.
And on that note, I am off for my evening constitutional...
Lobotomy is the magic word! And a full frontal lobotomy is a lot less fun than a full frontal nudity...depending, of course, on whom we are talking about.
And are you a redneck if you spell it rednek? Or think that BC stands for beer can?
Oh, yeah, if the "other Doc" gives you any more bad times about your latin or spelling, give him the digitus impunitus.
And on that note, I am off for my evening constitutional...