Suggestion Block feature

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Just reread the OP. Why would you want to prevent another user from seeing your posts?
I deal with enough unpleasant folks in my real life, and prefer not to encounter those types especially as a new user to what in theory should be a friendly forum. Labeling someone a snowflake or soft certainly doesn't engender much goodwill now does it?
It seems to me that there is a huge difference in the intent and effect of a block versus an ignore function. I use the ignore function in an attempt to waste less time. I've determined that a few people on here spout nonsense and I will benefit from not seeing it. As long as you don't make public proclamations such as: I am ignoring XYZ because they are...., I don't find the use of the ignore function petty at all.

However, trying to demand that xYZ can not read what you write on a public forum is completely different. If you are making a worthwhile post, (or just a silly joke), what difference is it to you who reads it? I think it is awfully petty to try to go that route.

I honestly believe that our society is SERIOUSLY being weakened by this growing mantra that any comment or viewpoint that a person determines to be offensive constitutes violence against them. It is all I could think of when Will Smith walked on stage with an attitude of righteousness and slapped Chris Rock. He looked as if he felt entirely justified. We all need to be more willing to listen to offensive ideas, if we want to preserve the freedoms we still have.

Don't be a God damn snowflake.
Wow, friendly forum y'all got here.
If my friend said some of this stuff, that is what I would say to them....LOL

However, to be honest... if you participate in this forum, you will find that an overwhelming majority of the people are friendly, helpful and don't come here for the drama.
Some of the replies to this thread says a whole lot more about you than it does about me. I asked a question, it was answered and in addition get more than one personal attack. I am sure that goes against a term of service somewhere. Not exactly how you want to treat a forum newbie now is it? Makes me wonder how some of you treat people in real life. I almost feel sorry for you, to hate life so much that you berate people from behind a keyboard.
Some of the replies to this thread says a whole lot more about you than it does about me. I asked a question, it was answered and in addition get more than one personal attack. I am sure that goes against a term of service somewhere. Not exactly how you want to treat a forum newbie now is it? Makes me wonder how some of you treat people in real life. I almost feel sorry for you, to hate life so much that you berate people from behind a keyboard.
Much ado about nothing

This is not a forum of political opinion, it’s about helping people including yourself to become a better diver via shared experiences
Much ado about nothing

This is not a forum of political opinion, it’s about helping people including yourself to become a better diver via shared experiences
OP has communicated absolutely non aggressive, how did he deserve to be called snowflake or adolescent? Is this your understanding of becoming better diver or better person? You are the one who is bringing up the cancel culture, isn't that political? You do deserve the top of the blocked persons list. If it wasn't you are blocking the block feature.
Some of the replies to this thread says a whole lot more about you than it does about me. I asked a question, it was answered and in addition get more than one personal attack. I am sure that goes against a term of service somewhere. Not exactly how you want to treat a forum newbie now is it? Makes me wonder how some of you treat people in real life. I almost feel sorry for you, to hate life so much that you berate people from behind a keyboard.

You can't take anything personal here. We really don't know you. How can we as a collective group make a personal attack on someone we really don't know?

Do yourself a favor and stick around. What you feel is a personal attack is more or less a group of people defending a forum that we all hold pretty dear. It's not a personal attack on you, it's a passion to keep what we have here just the way it is.

That's what you'll find here. Passion for diving (with some BS mixed in for good fun). But don't leave just because you didn't get the answer you wanted... no one is pushing you out of here. We're all just passionate about what we have in this place. There is a plethora of information here, I just wouldn't make my 18th post how can I block someone and expect a hug for it.

Cheers,.... and welcome to SB..
OP has communicated absolutely non aggressive, how did he deserve to be called snowflake or adolescent? Is this your understanding of becoming better diver or better person? You are the one who is bringing up the cancel culture, isn't that political? You do deserve the top of the blocked persons list. If it wasn't you are blocking the block feature.
It's about the principles of blocking. This is a focussed open forum and, aside from blocking is not possible, it's against the general principles of sharing knowledge.

On other forums and the major soshal meeeja platforms there's no focus and no particular buy in. Some acto-mentalist can come in screaming their insane nonsense more or less with impunity and the only way is to block them.

Here, as it's focussed around a single topic, all contributors will be part of the community. Occasionally we'll have the "pluggers" pushing some rubbish, but they're soon banned. Where we do have people that are more strident in their views, there's a kind of peer pressure which keeps them in check; or the moderators stamping down if necessary -- even doing temporary cooling off bans.

This seems to work well. Which is why ScubaBoard is not only the last popular diving forum standing, but it's by far and away the busiest in the world on the subject of scuba diving. A genuine community, which is great.
It's about the principles of blocking. This is a focussed open forum and, aside from blocking is not possible, it's against the general principles of sharing knowledge.

On other forums and the major soshal meeeja platforms there's no focus and no particular buy in. Some acto-mentalist can come in screaming their insane nonsense more or less with impunity and the only way is to block them.

Here, as it's focussed around a single topic, all contributors will be part of the community. Occasionally we'll have the "pluggers" pushing some rubbish, but they're soon banned. Where we do have people that are more strident in their views, there's a kind of peer pressure which keeps them in check; or the moderators stamping down if necessary -- even doing temporary cooling off bans.

This seems to work well. Which is why ScubaBoard is not only the last popular diving forum standing, but it's by far and away the busiest in the world on the subject of scuba diving. A genuine community, which is great.
Sorry, what you wrote is pretty much irrelevant to what I wrote. You are "blocking" a feature request. You called names on a respectfully communicating newcomer and degraded him. Are you now represnting the diving community? If everyone behaves civil, block feature would not affect the community, if not in positive.

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