drbill:I guess I'll cross Blackbeards off my list of potential future dives.
Dr. Bill
Why is that?
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drbill:I guess I'll cross Blackbeards off my list of potential future dives.
Dr. Bill
Good idea.drbill:I guess I'll cross Blackbeards off my list of potential future dives.
Dr. Bill
Rick Murchison:Good idea.
More room for the rest of us.
(It wasn't a bad troll, but not a great one, either...)
It's just the one spot at Bull Run where they do the feedings Bill. Highly localized, minimal impact to the surrounding area. And the passengers have to go spear their own fish ahead of time at a snorkeling site, so the sharks aren't eating anything "unnatural". It's nothing like the ops out of San Diego that chum for great whites, or those glamfests that used to go on in the Florida Keys.drbill:I guess I'll cross Blackbeards off my list of potential future dives.
robertmackey:Happy Diving!
Ps. Be sure to check out the Sparky sauce. My favorite and well known drink made in the evening time when the sun is sinking low and all the divers are on board for the night.