Blackbeard trip report 10/20-24/2007

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Reaction score
Chicago, Il _ USA
# of dives
100 - 199
This was my first live aboard experience and we had a great time and checked in on the Morning Star. There were a total of 16 in our group, one a non-diver who accompanied her husband. There we two instructors in the group and 4 DM’s.

We booked the long weekend cruise that left at 3pm on 10/20 and returned late Tuesday night for departure on Wednesday. I personally liked this as it gave me time to see the local scene before departing home.

We did 13 dives, 3 wrecks, 3 night dives, one wall drift and one shark feed – we actually did Bull Run twice as well as the wreck dives again at night. All of which were fun and teeming with life and lots of sharks and rays. I finished my AOW and it was a great experience, however it makes you realize how much you still have to learn. The group was all pretty good, however there were two divers that had not dove ( by their own admission) in a few years and at the start of the trip commented how their LDS wanted them to do a refresher, but they did not because they felt he was just trying to get into their pockets – this proved to be a mistake as on the first several dives they would just barrel to the surface knocking us off the line and basically blowing off their safety stops – thank god it didn’t kill them – dumb#%$@#

I was a little disappointed in how many divers chose to “ root things out” from their homes and show a lot of disregard for the reefs and the life around them, however I tried to mention it up top and basically was ignored. The crew did a good bit of free diving and bagged a nice lobster for everyone on board – talk about fresh!!! Overall the food was not bad and actually better than I anticipated. Sleeping quarters were tight and my group stayed in the galley area and this was fine with me. I think from diving so often each day, after the night dive and a few rum punches I was out cold. I can’t say enough how much I appreciate my toilet and shower at home!! We docked once in Bimini and this allowed us to have a normal shower and some of the group hung out at the bar.

I have to give a shout out to Chris from Virginia, he did some excellent video work and shared it with all of us unselfishly to show are friends and family – you’re the best man!!!

Overall a big thumbs up to the overall operation and staff at Black beards!!

however there were two divers that had not dove ( by their own admission) in a few years and at the start of the trip commented how their LDS wanted them to do a refresher, but they did not because they felt he was just trying to get into their pockets – this proved to be a mistake as on the first several dives they would just barrel to the surface knocking us off the line and basically blowing off their safety stops – thank god it didn’t kill them – dumb#%$@#

Ya, there was a couple like that on my last dive trip. Actually, one of them ran out of air, botth popped up from 50-60ft and then couldn't make it back to the boat because of the current. :11:

Thanks for the trip report. I'm heading down that way next Saturday. I'm so psyched.


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