For the Kona portion of my trip, I have been doing alot of reading regarding Altitude changes and the length of the surface interval before we tour the volcano. According to what I think is a fairly aggressive (for us) dive plan for our 6 dives in Kona, and the NOAA tables, we should be good to tour the Volcano to 6000 ft after 10 hours. I have read a lot of people saying that you should wait a full day between the diving and the Volcano and that we should use the 18 hour fly limit published by DAN. Am I being overly aggressive with my planning especially since it will likly be 13-14 hours before the Volcano portion?I am not all the way through my nitrox course, so be easy on me, I will be looking for the anwser in my course, however, my understanding if we dive Nitrox the whole time we should be in a lower pressure group which should also reduce the amount of Nitrogen we have to "off-gass" and therefore shorten the time a little. My Family is also going to be doing their open water referral dives while we are there and since they will be alot shallower than we will (we need to do the deep dive portion of the AOW) they should be even more protected.
While I would like to thank all of scubaboards members for the wealth of information here, I am not going to create a post just for that, so thanks all of you for the information given in this thread and elsewhere. The links to different sources and general knowledge really help me fill the gaps left by the open water course, and frankly I enjoy the learning/math/science portion of scuba alot. So again thanks.
My computer will only give me the standard no fly times and not specific to the dive profiles that we used.
While I would like to thank all of scubaboards members for the wealth of information here, I am not going to create a post just for that, so thanks all of you for the information given in this thread and elsewhere. The links to different sources and general knowledge really help me fill the gaps left by the open water course, and frankly I enjoy the learning/math/science portion of scuba alot. So again thanks.
My computer will only give me the standard no fly times and not specific to the dive profiles that we used.