BEWARE False "Destruction" Reports Re: Cozumel

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Did you get my e-mail earlier this week???
I got the one about the website... was just checking it out. Looking really good!

I am going to send you an email when i get home from work. Start in 15 mins. - GOTTA GO!!! Don't want to be late! Lucky I'm 5 mins. from work!
I got the one about the website... was just checking it out. Looking really good!

I am going to send you an email when i get home from work. Start in 15 mins. - GOTTA GO!!! Don't want to be late! Lucky I'm 5 mins. from work!

Have a good night at work :)

I sent you another e-mail about the card reader and stuff (Thank you) and misc. I guess that's a no...haha!

I think that my verizon connection is worse than my Cozumel internet service...imagine that!

I'll resend it :)
I wouldn't be correcting anyone on spelling dude. Try running spellcheck on some of your gibberish posts.

I guess you must be fairly simple-minded, since you apparently can't understand basic're apparently a little angry there...tough childhood? It's ok......dude....

...maybe you had too much too fast, or just over played your part...
pilot fish:
You say you work for friends "gratis," you meant to say pro bono, correct? Also, you compare yourself to Bill Clinton, but isn't it a contradiction to mention Bill Clinton and morals in the same sentence? What does your amorphous definition of morals say about Bill Clinton?

No, gratis covers it, because "pro bono" connotes some altruistic notion or ideal that 'gratis' does not. Nor can you hold 'pro bono' over your friends' heads later, while you certainly can 'gratis'...hahaaa...Oh, come on Fish...a little tongue in cheek, sleight of hand, stirring the pot, goofing around never killed anyone: it's not like I'm spreading the bird flu...Where are you in NYC? Until recently, I lived on W. 81 b. Amsterdam and Columbus (now we are in Palm Harbor, FL). Do you know Cal at Village Divers? I used to teach with Seth and Dave on the E. Side (I forget the name of their shop)...Dave went back to being a lawyer and Seth opened another shop on York I think at 91st...which I used to live in a building over there across from Asphalt Green before moving over to the W. Side...and believe me I would never compare myself to Bill me, the definition of morals is fairly amorphous for the most part: while there are certainly things that are immoral without too many additional questions required, many other things are open to interpretation, and depend on the person in the role of perceptor or receptor...on the other hand, although the perceptor's reality may be theirs, it may not necessarily be mine, or anyone else's...therefore, for me (again, I don't think I know anything for sure, these are all just my opinions, which I reserve the right to change at any point in time) the definition of "morals" is kind of like the classic definition of "obscenity"...{basically: "you can't define it with words, but you know it when you see it"}...

...well, well, well, you can never tell....
"twisting in the wind with my enigmatic and semi-translucent paradoxical style!!!"]]gratefuljames

James, a bit pedantic? Semi-translucent? You've got me there. What does that mean, in the way you are using the term?

In answer to your other questions, don't know Village Divers, I deal with Pan Aqua.
"No, gratis covers it, because "pro bono" connotes some altruistic notion or ideal that 'gratis' does not. Nor can you hold 'pro bono' over your friends' heads later, while you certainly can 'gratis'...hahaaa...Oh, come on Fish...a little tongue in cheek,"]]gratefuljames

If all you do is help people, I would call that altruistic, n'est pas? Why would you hold anything over anyone's head if all you do is help people? GratefullJIM, you are losing me
I'd be grateful if I was the most intelligent, wittiest, most highly qualified scuba INSTRUCTOR (note: not AI)/attorney/musicologist/know-it-all on Scubaboard, but I'll settle just for not being a jerk.
PEDANTIC DEFINITELY! Oh, so many people to respond to, so little time: come on people, get a (little) grip here; it's just a posting board, and certainly not the end of the world. I love Pan Aqua...they have a real nice feel and operation over there; always good and fair pricing too...ok everyone, take a step back...and another step back...

...tell me this town ain't got no heart, just gotta poke around...
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