I am at Akimbo's home where we are scanning and digitizing his negatives and slides from "those years"
Dive Bells. Saturation Systems, helium cylinders hanging on systems by the thousands.
The sides and hatches adorned with OCEANEERING COMEX, TAYLOR ...another image of a dive system and only the name and the color has been changed to protect the innocent.
Across from me he sits in his burgundy leather bound Stress-less chair where a few dozen boxes of Kodachrome and Ektachrome slides lie at his feet;
"Ok..here is something different...a &$%^*# dive bell from the left side..oh yea and here it is from underneath when the crane is hoisting it?" Kool uh?
Is he asking me a question or stating a fact?
Moments later...
" I found a different one...Have you scanned this one of the bell.. when the hatch is open?"
.... If I am going to turn in some time on Lightroom... will it be about yellow, white and orange dive systems or some creative U/W images
Growing a bit weary of digitizing every form of underwater dive system known to man (and Akimbo).
"Do you have any "artsie fartsie" underwater images?" I ask? Maybe a nice long string of California Bull kelp leading to the surface? Maybe a burst of "Jesus light" breaking into a prismatic masterpiece as it breaks the clear waters of Carmel Bay dancing on the rocky reef and the "hold fast system? Poetic as I describe a recent image of ....NOT MINE!
He tell me "I think there is a diver in a KMB mask that has something like that ..Let me look around....ok here it is"
It is NOTHING at all like that. More like a 500 watt Birns and Sawyer that another diver is holding on the working diver.
And the evening wears on.