Best/worst TV commercials of all time

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I particularly like when the bear does the Curly shuffle:rofl3:

It's the spinning back kick that impressed me. That bear has got some moves :rofl3:
In my poor pitiful life there are but two:

The first . . . in the early to mid 70's . . . it was a Jeans commercial. This hippie, who from his apparent condition has done some serious rapid oxidation and subsequent inhalation of the leaves of the cannabis sativa plant, asks a person for directions to some place. The respondent gives said interrogator directions. Said interrogator starts walking off in the opposite direction. The respondent shouts, "Hey, you're going the wrong way!" The hippie turns around and responds, "Hey, man, the world's round, right? I'll be back."

The second:

The Mountain Dew commercial wherein the guy buts heads with a Big Horn sheep for possession of the Mountain Dew.

Geeeezzzz !!!! I almost forgot the Tobasco commercial wherein the guy is sitting on his porch in the bayou eating pizza. He puts a bunch of Tobasco sauce on his slice of pizza. A mosquito alights upon his thigh and starts to suck blood. Pan to the mosquito flying away into the night of the bayou and exploding in mid-air.

the K-ommercial afficianado
Of all time?

Worst: When the Infinity was launched the ad agency ran a series of “picture postcards” that told you nothing about the car. It screamed “this is a POS but we are going to try to fool you into buying it with a new age ad campaign.” They had a good product but the ad campaign almost killed it out of the gate. I cannot believe they pay people to ruin your company.

Best: Who invented the “priceless” idea for Mastercard? I hope he/she made a lot in bonus money!

as far as the worst commercials go..

"oh, you just spray, brush, groom, and done!" or however it goes. that corny crap is repeated too many corny times on that commercial.
I also liked the "office linebacker" bits, but I don't remember what they were for... I guess it's not a truly good commercial if you don't recall the product.

I hate any commercial having to do with diarrhea --- a recent pepto bismol ad has giant icons dancing around, with a massive Paul Bunyon clutching himself as if he is about to pull a Joe Paterno... I don't like a commercial that features Paul Bunyon having diarrhea:shakehead
My favorite is really old, been off-air for years:

It was an old motts clamato juice commercial. There's a can of juice in the fridge, and every time the fridge door opens up the can says something funny (i.e. when pop gets taken out he yells "not the fizzy stuff!". Not too funny...

... but then it ends, with the fridge door opening, and as the door opens the can rips off its label, gives a bit of a grind, and yells out "how about something spicy!"


:rofl3: :rofl3: OMG they are all so funny. I love the expensive beer commercial one. I hope they sell a lot of beer.

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