I see this a fair bit. There are people who don't want to go deep but are just tired of their short NDL on a 110' dive and would like to stay longer on the site to get their money's worth. I have a couple I am working with, the husband is keen to go full tech but the wife has no desire to go deeper. She also has a SAC rate that makes me cry in my mask every time I ask her how much gas she has. She has now gotten into photography, so a "130', slung stage and mostly backgas deco for 10-15 min" course is something I could get her excited about but thats as far as it goes. Personally I am glad that some of these certs exist for these people, but they do lead to some confusion and generally clutter up the course progressions.
I'm totally with you on this one.
There is a "market" for people who just want to stay down longer, to a max of 40m /130' while adhering to the max 60 min run time for the dive schedule. Entry level Tech covers the majority of the theory, and all the fundamental practices. And 50% is fine for this in addition to Backgas
If in the future they want to progress (extra tanks or maybe He if not included) then that can take another course as require
A great many people would be happy (comfortable) to take a course with a max depth of 40m/130 but would be totally put off if that same course required dives of 50m/160 to complete and certify