Best Scubaboard Posters

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Thanks for the welcome!
If you can only pick one, it surely has to be TSandM. I always think they should make a special badge for her: "Board Mum" (or Mom).

Someone who probably hasn't got as much love in this thread as he deserves is Thalassamania, given that he pretty much 'wrote the book', and is always free and helpful with his experience.

Loads of others (too many to sensibly mention) share their diving wisdom and are greatly appreciatedly by the reading public, but I would quickly mention Adurso and Lamont who I always value for their non-diving contributions on history and economics respectively. Being able to quietly convey expertise without offending is a great gift.
I was stuck on hold and bored, so I made a list.

So far, the well deserved front runner is TSandM with 13 mentions.

NWGratefulDiver with 9,
DA Aquamaster, Thalassamania and Walter with 6 each,
RJP with 5

Those with 4 (in alphabetical order):
Cave Diver
Trace Malinowski

With 3:
Dandy Don
Jim Lapenta
Mike Ferrara
Uncle Pug

OK, surely we can turn it into a poll now?
My vote goes for:

Cave Diver

In no particular order. I think their posts are all equally worth stalking.

Without them, I have no idea where I’d be ;-).

Thanks you all!
You wound me needlessly. I am certain... fairly certain... that I have the other Macaw. Would you like a change? I simply don't remember this except as a joke on my part. You were one of the few who liked the parrots, so I gave you one! That you didn't want it changed was most hysterical.
Give it to me.... That will setup a ying/yang of Macaws... Since everyone knows I never get controversial of post inflammatory comments :rofl3::rofl3::rofl3:

I enjoyed reading this thread... Many juicy posts :)
I agree with many of the posters, but the front runners do standout. When TSandM, NWGD, Thass, Walter, Diver0001, et al, post something, I will slow down & often re-read their post. One poster I haven't heard from in a while is Brer Rabbit; her enthusiasm for teaching her students was infectious.

While I enjoy reading your thoughtful posts, my true regret is that I won't be able to dive with you all. So I will settle for "chatting" with all of you. Thanks to all for the insights you have shared.

NetDoc: There are several posters on the list that are MIA. Could you ping them and invite them back? Uncle Pug is sorely missed....
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NetDoc: There are several posters on the list that are MIA. Could you ping them and invite them back? Uncle Pug is sorely missed....

Pug checks in from time to time and posted just recently. As I recall, photography is taking up some of his time now and he had a pretty good post not that long ago in the photography sub forum.
Rick Murchison for helping me identify a Parrotfish, yes a Parrotfish, :doh:from my first dive without making me feel stupid!
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I nominate DCBC as uber scuba villin and arch enemy of JeffG. :D

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