swankenstein:By the way, I always try to over-expose my print film by at least one stop. The lab corrects for this by darkening up the prints, which makes them more saturated and gives that nice "jet black" black (at least I think it's nice) instead of a washed-out dark grey. I have a horror of labs "lightening up" prints, which really washes them out and throws grain all over them. I remember being naive enough to try and take long-exposure pictures of star trails with print film and try and convince the lab not to try and make the black sky grey.
try and take long-exposure pictures of star trails with print film and try and convince the lab not to try and make the black sky grey.[/
Up until now I have been lucky with my lab but I have noticed a drop off lately, slides with dust and hairs on them. I have complained once and got a shoulder shrug, next time its speak to the owner and if there is no joy...find another lab.
Surface shots I under expose by one stop but for some reason it doe's not seem to work as well UW.