Best portable hard disc?

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Any thoughts on a good portable hard drive to down load your digital photos into and be able to clear you card for the next dive? Looking at Nixvue visor delkin etc. 20 gig good enough for a two week trip?

One week in the bahamas I go thru 60-80 rolls of film, that's 32 exposures. If you figure 30-50 megs per image that's alot of disc space. For a 2 week trip I would be looking at a dvd burner in a laptop.

If you figure 30-50 megs per image that's alot of disc space.

30-50 megs per image! On a 5MP camera jpegs are between 2-3 megs and RAW is about 7 megs.

Domino22, depends on how much you think you're going to shoot and what file format (jpeg, tiff, raw) you're shooting in. 20 Gigs is heaps, especially if you're shooting in jpeg.

See this discussion on choices of portable storage:
Thanks ReyeR you have answered many of my posts/questions thank you. I think I will just pm you the next time! Hey are you using the same or close to the same system I bought? Thanks

Yes to get a decent 8" x 10" print you will need at least a 30 meg file, anything less will suffer detail loss.

That is just not right.
blacknet once bubbled...

One week in the bahamas I go thru 60-80 rolls of film, that's 32 exposures. If you figure 30-50 megs per image that's alot of disc space. For a 2 week trip I would be looking at a dvd burner in a laptop.

Blacknet Thanks but I did not want or need a laptop well not really just don't want to spend the money, it all went into the gateway "super computer" I went from 32meg of ram to over a gig. Anyway I would only use the laptop on a trip. My point is with the new digital I can delete the bad stuff. With my old nikonos when I got home and had 2 photos worth blowing up and framing out of a 36 exp roll I was a happy camper! So basically most of my photos suck big time but I have screwed up and got some good ones. And on a week long trip say 4 dives per day for 6 days was 864 photos "attempted" based on a 2 to 6 ratio = 48 possible good ones. Hey if you run the numbers I guess I only need a 64 or 128mg card. I think I need to switch to video.
On my 4MP camera I was taking up to 128MB of pictures per dive, and I can't see how I could really have taken any more pictures - I ran out of memory once on my last trip, at the safety stop, and that was only because I took several movie clips while I was down there. This was convenient since I only have 128MB cards. Until you are as good a photograher as blacknet I doubt you will be able to differentiate between the least compressed jpeg format that your camera probably has, and the huge RAW files he's talking about. You definitely don't want to get a card smaller than 64MB - if you can get two dives out of your camera without removing it from the housing then you probably should - I picked up a 128M smartmedia card in bestbuy for $30 a couple of days ago.

Perhaps blacknet is talking about a 8x10, CMYK, 16bits/channel @ 300ppi TIFF file which would be about 59MB.

Currently the largest file from a 5MP camera is a TIFF file (RGB, 8bits/channel) at 14MB.

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