fins wake
When I talk major units, I'm not even talking batallion level, but division level ...6Gill::58: I'm glad you said major unit, but even that is wrong! The US Army Rangers (a Major unit) made a combat night jump into Afghanistan at an airbase there, prior to the Marines combat operations.
(That's only only technically correct in Afghanistan 2001, but hopefully gets me off the hook with the grunts on this board ... :eat_arrow )
Seriously, I have enormous respect for the Rangers, as well as for the others you mentioned, not forgetting the Danes, Norwegians and NZSAS which were on the ground (the Kiwis as usual completely unofficially in conjunction with the Aussie SASR).
The very first combat unit in Afghanistan was very probably not even a DoD unit at all, but the Agency's very own MSP (Military Special Projects) boys.
(This is a great way to attract a lot of keen interest from Fort Meade and Langley, by the way, ensuring that this board gets its fair share of bandwith monitoring, too ... sorry NetDoc! :anon: )
But as I've already mentioned them, my personal opinion is that MSP probably is the "best" U.S. unit of them all, bar none, for the type of keenie-meenie ops they run over there.