Belize Weather

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San Pedro, Belize, Belize
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We do a daily weather photo and report for Belize ,Ambergris Caye San Pedro also a monthly general forecast.
Weather | Ambergris Caye Belize Message Board

Today's News for White Sands Dive Shop at San Pedro Ambergris Caye Belize: Belize Weather for June
Belize Weather for June
High on the list of Belize’s many charms is a very comfortable tropical climate with an average yearly temperature of 84° F (29°C). Costal sea breezes and Belize’s large tracts of jungle and rainforests provide cooling relief even in the hottest summer months while winters can be cool but never very cold. In short, the climate is pretty much near perfect.

Even in winter the temperature in Belize rarely falls below 60°F (16°C), while throughout summer the mercury sits at around 86°F (30°C). Humidity is also fairly consistent at around 85 percent.

With temperatures so consistent year round, Belize has two, rather than four seasons– the wet and the dry.
June through December marks Belize’s wet season, when parts of the country receive up to 150 inches of rain and the heavy, sometimes wild storms associated with the Caribbean occur, usually in the late afternoons. The most frequent rainfall usually occurs in June or early July and is punctuated by a break in late July or August known as the "little dry."

The wet is also hurricane season, and while statistically Belize does not attract many major direct hits, it does get its share of severe tropical weather with high winds and rain. However, Belize and its neighbors share a cooperative early warning network, and the country’s safety, evacuation and other procedures have proven to be effective.

This is another warm month, with June temperatures in Belize averaging 86°F (30°C) to 82°F (28°C). However, fresh easterly breezes off the Caribbean Sea and more frequent short afternoon showers moderate the temperatures and make June a generally pleasant month.
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I'm looking forward to experiencing Belize's weather three weeks from tomorrow.

I've been to Belize a number of times now, and always in the summer. I've run into rain during the day only a couple of times; usually, it's been at night.

On one of the day rains, I was on the Hummingbird Highway returning from Xunantunich and headed back to Placencia. It was raining so hard I could barely see the road. All of the sudden, in the middle of nowhere, there was a guy walking. Then I saw a car deep in the woods on its side. I stopped to see if I could help. He said he was alright and asked if he and his brother, who was still in the car, could get a ride to Independence. I said sure. Then his brother came running up, and they hopped in the car. These guys were beyond soaked to the skin, and water was streaming off them. We started to go, when the brother said "Oops, wait a minute. I forgot something." He hopped back out and disappeared into the rain. After about 30 seconds, he jumped back in. With a pizza. Which we ate on the way to Independence.

Although I mostly stay in Placencia, I like to drive down to Punta Gorda for a few days each trip. I stay in a cabana at Garbutt's Marina. The back of the cabana is right on the water. Pretty much every night, a thunderstorm rolls in off the Bay of Honduras. You can see and hear it coming from miles away. A fantastic show completely free.

And one time in Placencia, a big lightning storm came through at night. I was watching it off the front deck at Splash Dive Shop's apartment. Suddenly there was a tremendous boom--I didn't see it but lightening hit somewhere really close by. The entire village instantly went black as the strike had knocked out the power. Very cool.

I love Belize. Warts, rain and all.

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