Belize in Sept.

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So, why are so many hammerheads down there?

If the only entrance is from the top, what is interesting/edible/safe for them on the bottom??

From descriptions, there is nothing much else down there. So why are the sharks down there?? It does not seem like they are the type to need to hide.
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So, why are so many hammerheads down there?

If the only entrance is from the top, what is interesting/edible/safe for them on the bottom??

From descriptions, there is nothing much else down there. So why are the sharks down there?? It does not seem like they are the type to need to hide.

I don't know how deep the entry into the Blue Hole is (where the boats enter). I also don't know how often people see the sharks. I didn't see any on my two dives there.
The blue hole is 400 feet deep +/-
Lot's going on there well past recreational diving depths.
The blue hole is 400 feet deep +/-
Lot's going on there well past recreational diving depths.

Yes, but how deep is it where the boats enter?
The boat should drop you off at the lip, which is about 50 feet. It's the stopping point for the group to get together, make sure everyone's a-ok, happy with their weights/gear/whatnot, then over the lip and into the hole you go.

On the ascent, you'll stop at the lip again for the first of two safety stops.

As far as sharks, I didn't mean to sound as if they're there all the time, sorry. We saw them twice out of my three dives there. As far as why they hang out there, I have no idea.
Since the rumor is that Cousteau used dynamite to blast an opening in the reef to allow his boat to enter the blue hole.
It's probably not deep at all where boats enter.
Yes, but how deep is it where the boats enter?
I just looked up the draft of the Sun Dancer/Belize Aggressor IV - 8ft. When we passed thru the channel they did it really slowly and carefully, captain outside with the remote control joystick looking down into the water. Perhaps the channel is a few feet deeper but I'd guess not much.
Ahh... The sharks might be down there to escape the current for an easier daytime nap.
When I did the Blue Hole in 2006, we had an awesome dive with lemon sharks, reef sharks, one bull shark, and a bunch of grouper. All of the sharks and grouper were much larger than any of the ones we saw outside the Blue Hole. I swam over to an overhang around 130 feet in order to shine my light on it up close and get the only decent pictures in there with some colour. It was very silty in there and no matter how close I got (within reason) to the sharks or grouper with my little point and shoot, the pics were mainly silt clouds.

I've heard that it's hit or miss about seeing any critters, so you never know.

I found it worth it to do at least once, and Lighthouse has awesome dives like Half Moon Caye and the Aquarium.

I also third? (fourth?) an insect repellent with Picaridin as the active ingredient, like Sawyer. It works, including for the no-see'ums (sand flies), and it's less smelly and greasy. I used to use Cutter Advanced with Picaridin, but now they've switched to Deet. Funny that Off now has Picaridin. It's like they switched. I find that you need at least 7 - 10% Picaridin to be effective in really buggy areas.

Have a great holiday!
I just dove the Blue hole in May and its a dive that I highly recommend. The stalagmites and little cove at 40m down is a spectacular site. it is a short dive and you usually don't see much wildlife but there's always a chance for sharks. The 2 dives following the blue hole is where you see the coral and wildlife. Heres a video of my 1 day adventure to the Blue hole. The first few dives are the ones you see the wildlife and the blue hole dive is the last one on the video.

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