Beauty and the Deep

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Just got back pictures from my Borneo dive trip and boy howdy, did I look like Hell. Vanity aside, there are some practical reasons for 'beauty' tips. That sunburn not only aged my skin, it put me at higher risk for skin cancer. And peeling, broken nails HURT. Not to mention that bad hair gives you herpes. OK, I made up that last one.

So. There's been a lot of discussion about ponytail styles to keep hair out of eyes. What sunblocks do you use? Is there a gel or conditioner to minimize the damage of salt water? And what, oh what, can we do to keep our nails from falling to pieces?

Beautiful diving girls want to know. :D
I can help you with the sunblock issue. I used to think that it was impossible to get a good tan and use sunblock. It took me several harsh burns to learn my lesson. This is my technique and it works like a charm. I start with waterproof spf 30 for 4 days, then move to waterproof spf 15 for 6 days and finish off the vacation with spf 6. I get a great tan everytime and never burn. I use CVS brand, it works and its cheap.
I go to my favorite Quixtar distributor and order their Satinique Leave in Protector. It protects hair from moisture loss as well as being a UV blocker to minimize color fading. & I absolutely love it!

I spray it on after showering daily. But, when I'm diving in a warm water locale where the sun is strong I spray it on and comb it in after every dive.

Sunblock - 15, 30 or 45 SPF that is waterproof and lasts a couple hours. But, the most important thing is to apply it a half hour or so before going in the sun.

Nails - I definitely break a nail here and there when diving. & usually cut them relatively short for a week long trip. However, I've never experienced the peeling nails you describe. I know my nails are much stronger now that I take a daily multi-vitamin. Perhaps that would help you.

As for ponytails - not my thing as I have short curly hair.

Good luck in the future.
I use any leave in conditioner....I like Herbal Essenses creme leave in conditioner. But have used their spray as well as Infusium and they all help quite a lot. Truthfully, I started using them just so my hair didn't feel so icky in between dives.

If anyone's got any tips to help your nails, I'd like to hear them....diving kills my nails (of course, this isn't such a concern that I've cut back on my diving.... <grin>).

I used Infusium 23 spray in treatment for many years just for day to day and must say that it did wonders for my hair. I'd imagine if you use it right after a dive it will definitely help.

As far as nails go, I found that when I started getting a lot more calcium in my diet my nails got stronger and don't peel quite as much. So I guess I'd say eat more cheese and ice cream!

I have REALLY long hair and have good luck with a holder called a hair glove ( They have ones just for diving! Works great and my hair stays out of my face.

The only thing I can suggest is to cut them short before your dive trip so that there is less to snag.
What sunblocks do you use? Is there a gel or conditioner to minimize the damage of salt water? And what, oh what, can we do to keep our nails from falling to pieces?

The best WATERPROOF sun products I have used are by Bullfrog. They come in 36 & 45. And they DO last, even after repeated dives.

Hair. Hmm....mine's so short I don't think I can help you much here except to say that if you are diving every day you should wash it with something mild. A built-in conditioner is helpful, but for severely dry hair, Infusium is good. Also ultra-moisture packs like Color Vive Dry Defense.

As for nails.. sorry. Mine are short. I found that diving & nails didn't mix. ;) However, at one time I used a product called Witchhazel that you put on as a base & a top coat that was pretty good for keeping nails from peeling & chipping.

What I use......

Sunblock. I have sensitive skin and had problems with facial and body sunblocks stinging like the dickens! I could put them on inside before going out to allow them to absorb....but as soon as I started sweating my face and arms would start stinging like I was on fire! I tried sunscreen for babies and was successful.

I use the 45spf stick on my face and the regular 30spf cream on my feet, hands and arms. I wear a body skin, so I have minimal skin showing most of the time. It's gentle for babies and is even marketed for sensitive's waterproof and hypoallergenic too.

Hair. I wear a cap-type hood to keep my hair out of my face and rinse once back on the boat. I use a wide toothed comb and spray the detangling conditioner on it till I get back to port to shampoo and condition. Wear a hat too, widebrimmed to protect hair and face from harmful rays.

Nails. Cut them short and be done with it.
Being a looked haired freaky sort of guy I tried a mask strap called a mane tamer. It is a neoprene strap with a long tail that wraps around you pony tail. It works, keeps the hair in back anyway. But the neoprene was't quite stretchy enough for me. made my mask fill too tight. So I am back to yanking it off of my first stage after a dive. Get a haircut? Yeah right, what's next? A real job?
Joe =-)

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