Beach diving this weekend? 8/21-22?

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Kevin, your welcome to throw whatever in my SUV..... where's Mulligan's? actually I'm going to skip that offer unless ya'll are meeting there at 0800-0830, leaving at 0615 is painful enough, any earlier and I'd be asleep at the wheel. Is everyone going to eat?
i just got word from a friend that he has room for me on his boat for some freediving/spearfishing.

i am going to do that in the afternoon.
hey Kev, are you staying down there? If you need a ride back up your welcome to join me, I'm going to try to do a two tanker with Grier and KBeck, not sure how many anyone else is doing, but the offer's open
Hey! That was great! I'm so glad I could go. I hardly ever get to dive with people from the board so it really was a treat.
The coolest part (to me) was under the pier when we were engulfed by a super thick cloud of baitfish being wrangled by pretty big snook. There was a nice sized school of lookdowns there too.
It was a pleasure to meet and dive with everyone.
Me too! I had a really great time today. All those bait fish made me a little dizzy, but it was very cool to see. We are going back out (same place) tomorrow. Meeting around 830. Everyone is invited!
Sorry I missed the PM Diving with you guys; glad all worked out--perfect day!!
I'm feelig better, and unfortunately will sit tomorrow out until I think my sinus issue is all clear...sorry for the surprise/ick factor everyone.....
Good to finally meet ya, Kevin, and so great to dive with the rest of you again. Allie, you're already looking MUCH more comfortable in the water...isn't it great having your own gear??? !!
Thanks to Scuba Jenny calling me (after I had already hit the snooze alarm twice), I made it for the early AM dive. :)
The only thing I had wished I had managed was that early morning breakfast at Mulligans, too. Good price for their "special". I stopped by their AFTER my morning dive. Fortunately they serve the breakfast special til 2pm! :)

Alright, count me in....I'll try for 8:30, I think I can manage that!!! This Breakfast at Mulligan's seems to be becoming a regular occurrence....
So, list at this point:

See ya'll there!
Man! What a wonderful weekend of diving!

I think you guys are conspiring with the Sea Gods to make me even more regretful that I’m going to be up in NC soon!

Unfortunately, I’ll have to be a bit more abbreviated than usual – work is a bit hectic this morning.

We had a great group of divers in the water at Hibiscus St, Lauderdale By The Sea. Marvel didn’t get to dive with us, but she and ZenDiver and Gar (I don’t think Gar’s on Scubaboard) got to greet us as they pulled out for Key Largo on a SingleDiver’s excursion. We had a great gathering of new and old friends over the two days of beach diving. I don’t have time to list everybody, but suffice it to say that I logged seven dives, almost 6 hours of bottom time, and enjoyed every second (at least until this morning, when I awoke feeling a bit stiff (Okay, keep it to yourselves! This is a family board!)

Anyway, the pier dive was something special. We saw a 5-6’ nurse shark under the reef on the way to the pier, saw a huge school of swirling and parting baitfish, saw a >4’ wingspan southern stingray, a school of probably 50-60 lookdowns, with a few big snook hiding in their ranks, and lots of our usual reef friends. We even picked up a bag full of trash as we moved along the bottom. Current was a bit brisk for that site, so we ended up 100 yards or so north of the pier, but it was a nice little walk back in the water, giving us lots of time to visit and get to know each other.

Yesterday, the diving was also nice, but it got a little crazy in the afternoon, when the current really picked up. Several of us had minor equipment problems, so we ended up aborting the last dive of the day, partially due to the conditions and partially due to an approaching thunderstorm.

In the morning, several of us explored the first reef line south of Hibiscus and had a great time in the hard corals.

Okay, here’s the Mouseketeer’s Rolecall for the weekend:

Darrell (MurphDiver286)
Klaus(Sorry, Klaus – I forgot your screen name!)
Trish (Trish the Fish)
Laura (Damn! I forgot your screen name too!)
MikeJacobs (okay, he was snorkeling on his study break, but that counts!)

I’m sure that I’m probably missing somebody, but that’s the best I can do this morning. (Okay it's not still morning, but it was when I wrote this!)

My best to all,

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