I got a great deal more interested in these when I started planning a DIY light that puts out quite a bit more light than what I can find.
I started researching the emitters themselves. Particularly the 100w LED arrays (should produce in the neighborhood of 8000 lumens). Unfortunately, I stumbled onto a few videos that are basically very bad news for my project. If you're buying cheap high power LED lights, these videos may be of interest to you:
I don't know the guy who made the videos, he's just some electronics guy with a youtube account and a funny accent.
Unfortunately, there seems to be no good way to know in advance if you're getting a good LED or a crap one. I think it's safe to assume that cheap high output lights aren't using high quality parts. However, the inverse is not true. Expensive lights aren't necessarily using good LED's. It's so common The only way to know for sure is connect the LED to a variable current limited driver and test for yourself. Obviously that's beyond the capabilities of most divers.
I haven't found a solution, but it was a real eye opener for me. I'm actually kind of bummed about it.