I don't understand this aversion to gear removal and replacement. It just isn't that hard. If I'm not demoing it, I can get my gear off and back on in well under a minute, probably under 30 seconds. I've done it with no weight, a heavy weight belt, light weight integrated and heavy weight integrated. I've done it in no wet suit, a 3mm, a 1/4" farmer john and jacket with hood and gloves in near zero vis in surgy conditions, and in a drysuit. I've done it on descent on the Vandenberg when the I noticed that the single tank adapter on my rented backplate was loose and wobbling back and forth (try getting your buddy to fix that!). It's a very useful skill, both from a functional and teaching/task loading standpoint.
If you are of the mind that it is something you'll never use, you should ask yourself why you have to do a mask removal and replacement too. I have never lost a mask off my face underwater. I have about 4,000 dives and I've taken 10's of thousands of divers in the water. I have been kicked in the face more times than I can count. I still have never had a mask dislodged from my head underwater, or seen it happen to anyone else. And I keep my mask strap so loose that if I look down while on land, I can breathe through my nose. Mask R&R is probably the skill that gives students the most concern, it's clearly not very functionally useful, so I guess we shouldn't have that be a requirement either.