Regarding the proper weighting question, the standard recommendation is, empty BCD, holding a normal breath on the surface, you should float about eye level. Then add around 4lbs/2kg to compensate for an empty tank. Don't assume you need ANY extra might be that you're properly weighted without. When I'm "in shape" I normally use zero weight with an aluminum 80 & no wetsuit. When I'm fatter, normally 4lbs is about right. With compact 80's, I'm actually negative without any weight, and need to keep a bit of air in the BCD for most of the dive just to achieve neutral buoyancy. Being overweighted causes all sorts of problems, which I won't get into here. I see a lot of people "roto-tilling" the bottom, with half-filled BCDs, because they think they need a bunch of lead on them during the dive....the less air you have in the BCD during the underwater portion of the dive, the easier bouyancy control becomes.
Edit--don't mean "empty" tank....just one that's down around 500psi/30 bar or thereabouts to simulate the typical "end of dive" pressure.
Edit--don't mean "empty" tank....just one that's down around 500psi/30 bar or thereabouts to simulate the typical "end of dive" pressure.