I'm curious about the practice of bc inflation. Personally, I don't see the problem with it. I am just about neutrally bouyant without my gear on, but with my weight belt on. If I exhale, the top of my head is just above the water. Inhale and I can get my mouth above the surface My gear is negative by a few pounds at the begging of a dive, and I believe if the tank was empty, would be just about neutral, but becuase the tank is almost never empty at the end of a dive, it's still negative. If I don't have a little air in the bc, i am a little negative, not much, I can swim up easily, but what is the problem with adding enough air to my bc that I float up automatically alittle? This way no my giant stride I don't end up taking tim eto get to the surface to give my ok. However, some would say that I am overweighted. I honestly might be by 2# or so, it really do depend on how much air is in my tnak Turning at thirds, I usually get on the boat with 1500 (or to the dock, or stairs...wherever), the tank is not empty, and I think is still negative. If I dove it to empty, it would be 2# bouyant at the end of a dive, if memory serves correct. And I don't feel like resetting my belt for that 2# difference based on whether it is an overhead or OW envireonment.