I guess since I wrote the article, I can make a couple of comments. The new Eneloop XX batteries are very very nice. High enough capacity and very low internal discharge. Secondly, I don't think there are any GOOD, FAST chargers. You should always charge at no more than .5 capacity i.e. for a 2000 maH battery charge at no more than 1000 mA and better than that at 500 mA. I think that the LaCrosse battery chargers are very very nice and use them all the time at home, while for travel, I use the white MAHA charger that does 4 batteries at a time. Fast charging (30 minutes or less) can really cause significant lifetime issues with batteries.There is a good article on the underwater photography guide (bluewater photo) that confirms my approach
NiMh high capacity batteries combined with a good fast charger are the best
I use annsmann 2850 mah with their fan cooled charger and it works great
Eneloop are better suited to the camera itself than the strobe